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• (n.) The time within which past events can be or are remembered; as, within the memory of man. • (n.) The actual and distinct retention and recognition of past ideas in the mind; remembrance; as, in memory of youth; memories of foreign lands. • (n.) The reach and positiveness with which a person can remember; the strength and trust


Things of the past.A  past i desperately tried to forget.But it haunted me like a ghost,A curse,a serial killer,a...Well you get the point.How much i tried to forget it,The more it came closer to me.It irritated me so much.I couldn't remember who those people were.That boy...his  eyes.So cold when he looked at me.Why would he do that?I don't recognize him.And that girl.Her name was Rooz.I had no idea i had a twin sister.But like i said i didn't wanted to remember my past.I mean THAT boy... I wish i could start over my whole life. Like: DELETE YOUR FREAKING LIFE? *clicks yes*.There even doesn't have to be a ARE YOU SURE? button.*LIFE DELETED*.So it happened.The medicine didn't work because i didn't wanted to remember my past.I fought so hard to forget it.But what if i miss the good memories.Ugh my head hurted.Suddenly i could hear the voices around me.

''Vas happening''( ;))''Her body doesn't accept the medicine,I'm afraid her mind doesn't want to remember it...''.''N-no that can't be happening!''.''I'm sorry miss,But if she continues to fight against it,she mi-'' ''Don't you even dare to say it'',''Jesus cal-''.''Shut up,Since the moment you guys came in,Our lives became a hell!''.''Then why the hell did you join CO!''.

My breath hitched at the sound of that word.It felt someone was choking me.My body went in full panic mode.Then i felt the weird feeling.Like sitting in a cinema to watch a movie.But this time it was my own life...

My 'beauty' sleep wasn't long i guess.A loud laugh woke me up.''You're awake!'' A happy voice said.''No i'm dead''I spat tired to the girl who was jumping on the bed.''How the hell did i got here?''.''Well some one isn't a morning person.The Boss/your mother laid you in the bed.I'm rooz,your roommate en i help you with missions''She said with a smile.''Like a duo?''It sounded more like a statement than a question.''Wanna check out our cool outfits for the''crimes'' we gonna do?''I smirked.''Sure why not partner'' ''Don't.just don't say partner ever again or i will kill ya'' Gosh her accent was funny with her gonna,wanna, ya.I just laughed.And i regretted it.The room was with laughter.''STO-HOP'' i hiccuped.Tears escaping from my eyes.''Don't say i didn't warned ya''

Hihi the moment i met Rooz.

''Stop it rooz you make me scared with that evil smile''I tried not to laugh but failed.''Let me put some make-up on you'' said rooz while grabbing a little pink bag on the seat next to hear.''And tada who will recognize us after our make over!!!.'''We yelled at the old man.''Huh i swear i took some young ladies to their new school.''He joked.''Bye'' and gone was the old man.''He's nice''. We took one big breath and looked at the school.When we go behind the wall of this school.The mouse and cat game will begin.And only one will survive...There is no way back....

The moment when it started...

.''Well look who here is''The teacher said a little bit to happy.''We have two new student in this class.''Come on don't be shy.'' Rooz said while sticking her tong out  her mouth to me when she saw my face.I stepped the blue class room in.'' she's so cute.'look at her face.so little'.she doesn't look shy.'' I  blushed when i heard those comments.''introduce your self to the class''The teacher said while reading a magazine.Sh*t totally forgot our fake names...

Ahahaha yeah the moment we forgot our fake names :P

''WHOA'' I tried to run but i was surprised to meet by the most beautiful eyes ever.Shining like the moon.What i minute.RUN!.to late .He grabbed me by my legs.Ouch that would be a bruise.I let out a scream of pain.''Let me go!''.I managed to get out of his arms and started to run to rooz who was struggling to get free from the person named 'James'.I jumped and he was surprised to see me upside down with my hands on his shoulders.Stupid move.His grip  was loser and just in time Rooz jumped back before i smashed James to the ground.''Run! Get the hell out of here!'' Rooz said giving me the keys.Yep here was the drama.Creating a scene thinking one would leave.But i was going to find the real dossiers .1...5...8..wait 7 .Of course if you would walk slowly you wouldn't see 7 Or even catch a sign of the door.''Pink'' I  smiled when i opened the door.Seeing a shadow behind me.''Really still not giving up '' i smirked to me earlier attacker .Before he could move  i said ''Thx for the Dossirs''.''How?''.''You kept running after me so i thought following your shadow would lead me to the REAL room".I heard my name''CRAZY,MOVE''.well before i leaved i grabbed his face giving him a kiss on the cheek''You're really cute,It's a shame you are one of them''.I meant it man he was almost like jack frost in Rise of the Guardians. I opened the window and with one glance back sticking out my tongue to the boy who was running to the window.''Bye'' And the i jumped.Rooz was standing already outside waiting to catch me .''OOH man you're heavy''..''Oliver they are here.''Sh*t i thought i lost him in the toilets'' Rooz cursed putting me on the ground.We saw the familiar shadows running to us.''I always wanted to try this'' rooz smiled grabbing some smoke bomb out our bag.BOOM.''ugh...ouch(i'm bad at making couching sounds so sorry for that C:)were are they?.We moved a side seeing the two boys looking for us.''Come on we have to go'' Rooz grabbed my hand and we started to run.''EDWARD!'''.They black car came racing to us.''Quick get in lady's.''How did it go?''.Well...we looked sad.Edward sighed.We smirked.''Edward look at this school work''.''Wha..you got it!''Edward screamed happy.''So everything went alright?''.''I guess for Kathline''Rooz said smiling at me.''Well you were surprised to''.'hmm so the detective had some help''Edward said with a serious face.''Well Kathline kissed him  on the cheek an..''I put her hand on her mouth before she would tell more than needed.I was scared for his reaction.''Was he cute?''.''What?'' ''You heard me Kathline''.o yeah rooz and skyler officially died tonight we are now the CRAZY ONE''Yeah he was very cute like jack frot in the Rise of the Guardians'' I said remembering his eyes.''Well mine was cute to .He is like the cute boy in the bakery with green eyes like ...just wow and he has dimples.

Our first mission and the first time i met...Oliver.Omg that's oliver!But why does he hate me...

Surprised,Shocked,Scared,happy...''i'm James , 15 and i love to play football''.Rooz(hmm maybe they still know their name...)Looked at me with wide eyes.Yep it was surprise.''I'm Oliver ,15.Love to help my dad with his work''.He smiled to the class.wow his smile is cute.O gosh the teacher saw me smile and before i could do a thing she said.''Seems miss black find your smile interesting''.Omg she just said that.I blushed .No acting this time.''Which one miss ,Maybe i like his smile to..No i like his shoes,Wanna trade shoes buddy''Rooz said sticking out her tongue to the teacher.''You have a big mouth miss Black.''well i love to trade shoes with you but i hate the colour black''.Oliver said smiling at Rooz.''there are two seat left by the misses Black.''.Great.Really fantastic.''Omg they are soo lucky''.I heard girls whisper.And for the first time i felt nervous.Not even nervous breaking in a school and get attacked no i felt nervous because a boy was sitting next to me.

Ahahaha Rooz face,I will never forget that.

''Why did we have to go here to eat lunch with them?'' I asked.We were standing on the roof.''I don't trust this''Rooz said Looking at me.''Man you're smart''James said.We turned around.Oliver and James locked the door.The only escape.''Did you hear about the teen star,She had two visiters who were here to''James said walking to us.''Let's go''I said walking away.''Weak point SKYLER''.froze.Shock.''H-how...''.''We're not stupid,great acting''Oliver said Looking amused at  me.Rooz looked at James.''Fine you know our ID''.''Sure ROOZ''.Rooz looked like me.Shock,our life was over.I felt under my skirt at my left side.Oliver looked weird at me.It looked weird but on the left side of my leg i had a gun,A small one,only for warning shoots.Rooz grabbed her phone sending the message we fear the most.''COVER IS OVER,DELETE EVERY THING''.''Got what you want''.Rooz said trying not to cry.I felt anger.So fast as i could i pulled out  the gun.I shot one time in the air.Then pointed the gun at James.''You let her go''I spat at him.But it was to late.Oliver tackled me to the ground.We were fighting about the gun.BANG.i screamed.Pain filled my body.

Ow this might explain it...oops?

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