20 part 1

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The world can be unfair to people,Do they deserve to live like that?Does the world care?Do we care?My Old life ended,My new life just started.But it felt like i missed a part.NO memories.We have problems.Does the world  care,Do WE care?We don't share our problems.We solve it on our own,But sometimes problems come back,even when you don't want it...

Ugh my head.I felt terrible.''Skyler,please wake up!''Rooz...She sounds scared.I opened my eyes.''You fainted in the shop,when you saw them...I forgot to tell you,there mother lives here...next door...surprise?''Tessa said walking to the door.''So what are we going to do?''Rooz looked at me.I don't want to create a fake person,again.The world cares about somethings,WE care about it,They care about it.But not about a teenage spy.''The Truth''I sighed knowing Rooz would disagree.''What..Are you kidding me''.''Well i hate to ruin the romance between you two.But i want ice cream.''Tessa said waiting for us.''I'm staying here''.''ICE CREAM'' i said running downstairs,Almost falling over Tessa.I was wearing the shop dress.

Well i kind of failed.''OOH'' i wanted to get up.''Hi Tessa''.''O..Hey OLIVER''Tessa tried to sound normal.I face palmed my self.Note to my self:Tessa can't act.''Worst spy ever''I whispered.She kicked my foot.I laughed.''What's wrong?''Oliver looked over the  low hedge,Seeing the girl he never wanted to see anymore.She looked up,Shock,fear,relieve.He saw different emotions.I stood up.''Eh..Hey''It sounded more like a question.''Get away from me,Why are you here?!''He yelled at me.I knew it.He hate me.''Get away or i will call James''He said raising his voice.I tried to hold back my tears.''Says the one who shot me in the leg,I can't dance...''I cursed under my breath.Tessa Looked at Oliver with disbelief.''Come,Don't cry about him''She spat back at Oliver.I followed her.Sigh...What is it for world.I think in this world,In my world there is no Word as FAIR or LOVE.I didn't got any ice cream.

I Walked outside,Behind the house.I miss dancing so much,I tried,But failed.Hitting the ground.Again i tried,Again and again.They toke one thing away from me.Dance,the thing i loved the most.I started to cry and scream.''Skyler!''Rooz came running to me.''I-i ca-can't dance!''.Rooz looked at her little twin sister.She heard about The words Oliver said.


I looked at her,So small.Crying.I knew it was our fault from the moment we met them,But he shot her.Not caring about her feelings.I carried her inside.''Can you stay with here,i'm going somewhere''I said looking at Tessa.She nodded.Damn I really hate to climb in trees.I liked the roof better.I looked.I looked through the leaves.Seeing James laying on his bed.I climbed on the roof,Slowly sliding down to the window.I sat down on the the desk.Looking through some papers.Ha ha those dossiers.We stole it.But this time it was full with information.I looked at James.''James!''Shit i heard Oliver.Where to hide?Eh behind his desk.I almost tripped ovver his school Bag.''5 more''James muttered.''Dude i need to say something...She's here...like next door''.O gosh.I waited until Oliver left.''if she's here...then ...''.Ouch cramp in my legs.''Wait why is my window open?''

He walked to his window.I sneaked to his bed.It was soft.I was tired.No time to fall asleep.''Really behind my desk''James turned around.''How..''.He smiled.Wow...Wait!'.''She can't dance''I said pointing to the dossiers.''She tried...''.James looked at me.''I heard her scream...''His face was in his hands.Should i hug him?''Oliver was mad this afternoon,He told me he saw skyler''James paused.''His heart was so broken when he found out you two were gone''His heart was broken...''She was angry at me,Look at this''I showed him the bruise Skyler gave me'',Man it was so hard to get her in the car''.He looked at it,walking to me.''What are yo..ouch''I said pulling my arm away.Sigh i want to hug him so bad.So what if i wanted to do that.I missed him.The days were stupid.Fuck this.I hugged him.Hiding my face in his neck.He hugged back.''I missed you''.

''Skyler come down now!''I heard Tessa scream.''Hell no!''Skyler yelled back.''So i'm ruin a 'kiss' moment?''She said.''I practiced,But it's still bad...''.James looked at Skyler.''He...''Oliver opened the door.I put Skyler down on the bed.Telling her she should pretend to be asleep...She closed her eyes.Wow..Wait..man she's really sleeping.''What...''.''Shut up she's my friend,And skyler can't dance''.Oliver tried to wake her up.''I don't...want to''She said pulling the blankest over her head.I laughed.''I'm sorry''.Oliver said hugging Skyler.Aaawh sweet!.''Idiot''She said hugging him back.

We are idiots...

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