Bed time

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I will update later but for now a short chapter.Hope you love it guys!!!

 Hihi ik hoop dat je cito goed ging xxxx

I am so tired.I was already in my to pyjama.A to big t-shirt and a legging.''I'm sooo tired''Rooz smiled at me.I was laying on my bed with some big bear using a  pillow.CLICK.I knew that sound didn't was a good thing.My eyes snapped open.Seeing Rooz smirking at me.''O didn't toke a picture of me sleeping..'' I said walking to Rooz.She stepped back.She did.''What did you do with it?'' .''I have..maybe  took a picture and ....maybe...''.''Just say it'' I rolled my eyes.''I gave your and mine number to Oliver and James''.''O my go..I hope for you,you didn't send that picture to Oliver''.''Maybe..'''Rooz said.''You're dead'' I said before attacking her With a pillow.Let it go, let it go,Can't hold it back anymore.''You're phone is ringing '' I said laughing while Rooz hit me with a pillow.''Fine i will check it ''She said grabbing her phone.I lay-ed down on my bed,Tired of my first pillow fight.I smiled and tried to sleep.''aawh sure i will ask Kathline''Rooz said.''Kathline wake up''Rooz said softly .''Whaaat wrong?''I said clearly half sleeping.''Take it ''was all she said.''Hello Kathline?'' I heard Olive-rs voice and smiled.''Heey''Was al i could say.It stayed silent for a while.''Oliver...something wrong?''I said.''No...I called Rooz about the picture she send me''.''Ugh so she did send a picture''.I heard a loud laugh coming from the bathroom.Weirdo but man i love Her .She's my sister,My partner in crime.''Haha yeah but it was cute''Oliver said.''R-really thanks'' I stuttered.''no problem...wait..ja..'' ''Heey kathline sorry to interrupt your conversation with Oliver,Keep calm i'm not going to steal your girlfriend'' James.Wait he has a girlfriend?!.Suddenly i didn't wanted to talk to Oliver anymore.''Kathline you're still there?''James asked.''Yeah...I'm still here''.''Pff Oliver stop pulling my leg of, here's your girlfriend,Bye Kathline'' James said.''Sorry for James.James Kathline isn't my girlfriend''.''Ouch that hurt'' I joked and started to laugh.''Haha you're crazy''Oliver said .I waited a minute.''Yeah i am but i have to go bye Oliver,Good night''.''Bye,Good night''Oliver said before ending the call.I laughed only if he knew would he still say i was cute.''BED TIME LADY'S'' Edward yelled from the bottom of the stairs.Rooz got out of the bathroom.We shared a king size bed .''Good night Kathline''Rooz joked Cuddling me.We stayed like this.''Will he still want to talk to me if he knew the truth?''.Rooz didn't answer.I sighed.''Good night Angeline'' .The last thing i remembered was the moon shinning the sky.Bed time.

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