Chapter 1

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It's finally summer , guess who's finally packing to go on a vacation !
Not me .

I had to go to summer school , because my grades weren't "good" , but I think this doesn't make any sense!

I mean why do I have to go to school on summer just because I didn't write the answer that my teachers wanted , even though I'm sure mine are correct !

For example I had a question on my math test that needed us to find the x , and I found it right next to the word "the" , apparently my teacher didn't want that x , so I asked her how many times have you been in a relationship to have all of these exes , and I guess someone became really angry and put an F on my test.

Now the thing is I didn't understand if it was my grade or she meant something else with the litter F .

Anyhow , yes I'm attending summer school.
But do you know what I mostly care about ? Not the summer school, I mean I didn't care about the real school anyways. What makes me angry is that my twin brother is actually whining about going on a trip to Europe.

"Stop the whining at least you're not going to school ." I said .

"Hey school is fun , but riding on a plane and waiting at the airport, then having to walk just to see some trees and buildings? , what is the fun in doing that?" He answered.

"You're right , nothing is more fun than sitting behind a desk listening to some stuff that I don't know how I'm going to use in my life . "

"Hey hey hey ! I can use these things , for example , I can now calculate the atmosphere pressure that will be while I'm on the plane ." He said .

"How in the sweet mother nature you are my brother ?" I said looking at him with a weird look .

Then I put my hand on his shoulder and shook my head :

"Dear brother, on an airplane you never calculate stuff , you either watch the clouds , watch a movie , or sleep !"

"You're right I can now watch a movie about the history of ancient Greece , thank you sis ." He said .
And there I couldn't help it !

"Mom how does it come that he's traveling and I'm going to school?" I shouted .

Then mom came and said :

"Because he had good grades while someone over here made a teacher angry by asking her about her relationship status." Mom said .

"Hey it's not my fault that the teacher is so sensitive ."

"Well you have to watch your words from now on and study ." She said while rubbing my shoulder and kissed me on my cheek.

"Are you sure that I'll study ? During summer?" I said.

"Your brother may help you too, right Luke?" She said looking at Luke (my twin brother).

"No , I'd rather go to Europe than teaching her , I actually rather teach someone with dyslexia than teaching her ."

"Hey I may not be good at school, but I'm good at hearing stuff, and what you said is harsh , put that in your brain dictionary!." I said in defense .

"Put that in your brain dictionary." Luke repeated after me mocking me .

So I did the same and our voices got louder until mom shouted .

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