Driving a bit further, a cluster of tall beach trees revealed the grand white mansion behind them. Crafted from pure marble, it glistened in the iridescent sunlight, nearly blinding anyone attempting to look directly at it.

"Pinch me," Jungkook murmured, still in awe. "I must be dreaming."

"It's more like a nightmare, trust me," you replied.

"Nightmare?" Jungkook questioned. "Are you being an ungrateful brat, or are your parents as psychotic as you, making you leave this place?"

You shook your head, sighing. "Just wait and see."

"Well, at least we only have to do this once," he remarked. "My parents are gone, so you won't ever have to worry about making a good impression."

A flood of reasons not to be there overwhelmed you, panic slowly building inside. Jungkook pulled into the grand driveway, passing through automatic iron gates. The rising panic prompted a swirl of unwarranted thoughts, threatening to devour reason. Yet, you found yourself here, in the midst of it all.

• • •

The anticipation tightened its grip, the looming encounter with your parents weighing on your nerves. Patiently awaiting the door's swing, fake greetings, and judgmental stares, you couldn't shake the reluctance. But, duty called.

Your breathing slowed, Jungkook intertwining his fingers with yours, offering a calming squeeze. His reassuring smile bestowed upon you a sense of bliss, as if you could now conquer any obstacle in the world.

Being in this place heightened your breaths, rapid and shallow, pulse pounding in your temples. Jungkook's hand provided a steadying anchor, preventing you from feeling like you might fall between the shaky ground and trembling legs.

"You've got this," he whispered calmly. "We've got this."

"Is it too late to ru—"

"God bless!" Your mother's exclamation interrupted, the mahogany door swinging open, revealing your father beside her, both smiling warmly. "Good afternoon! Welcome to our home, please come inside."

"Ah, thank you for inviting me, Mr. and Mrs. [L/N]," Jungkook greeted politely as he stepped inside, presenting a small bouquet of peonies to your surprised mother. "These are for you; I hope that you like them."

Your mother's delighted expression was unusual, and your father unabashedly studied Jungkook, nodding in approval.

"I love them!" Your mother cheered. "Wow, you're even more handsome than we thought! Jeon Jungkook, is it?"

"Yes, that's me," he replied with a flash of his pearly white teeth. "I must say, you two look very young for your age—it must run in the family."

Jungkook cheekily winked at you, prompting a playful eye roll in response.

"Such a sweet boy," your father remarked, his joy palpable.

Awkwardly, you followed Jungkook inside, removing your shoes in sync with him. Your parents barely acknowledged your presence as the two of you entered the front room. Your mother tightly held onto the peonies before finding an empty vase for them.

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