"No,' Niall said shortly.

"Yeah, they are. We got a few songs that I penned down already. And my producer found me this great guitarist. He is called Mitch. He is an absolute beast on the guitar. He is quiet and broody in manner but god he is a genius."

Niall's interest had been quipped from the way Harry kept going on and on about this Mitch person. Frankly, he didn't understand why his boyfriend kept on talking about another man in a lovesick manner in front of him." Seems you like this Mitch person."

"Like is an understatement!  I feel like I stumbled upon a gold mine when he was brought into the studio. He had never done it before and was quite nervous but once he got that guitar in his hands ..." Harry whistled in awe. His eyes cloudy as he remembered a memory only inclusive of him and Mitch.

Niall didn't like this Mitch person.

"If you like him so much why don't you marry him?" Try as he may remove the jealousy from his voice he couldn't.

"Are you jealous baby boy?" Harry asked grin in place and dimples out in full force.

Niall's scoff reverberated in his chest. He could taste jealousy on the tip of his tongue but he will be damned if he was going to admit it. "Me jealous? Do I look like some wet behind the ears filly to you?"

"You are turning green, Niall." Right index finger intimately traced Niall's jawline.

"I'm not jealous!" Niall insisted by hurriedly, complying when Harry's hand went behind his neck and pulled him in close.

"Hey, don't be nervous. Everything will be fine." Harry finally said seriously. Niall nodded solemnly and kissed Harry, looking for comfort in the way Harry's lips moulded over his softly and how those ringed fingers would cup his face completely.

His father could come at any moments notice, all the waiters had to do was move a little for the tree to stop obstructing their view and his family only had to look closely from the glass sliding door to realise that they were macking away.

The sound of music once again making a reappearance at signed the opening of the sliding door. The excitable voices of his family had them pulling apart.

Niall's relatives had been given the go-ahead to go to the backyard by the event planner. Without the need for further urging, they all drifted into the backyard. Bellies were grumbling like they hadn't spent all day eating. Hands were rubbing their stomach in anticipation.

Niall went to sort out the bill with the events planner and to inform her that they won't be needing any help with serving. It was a buffet after all. Anyway every time a Horan member was served as the buffet rather than serving themselves, it almost always ended up in full on fight.  Something about them being stingy with their portions. 

The children were being set up first on their table with plastic ware and high chairs. One of the teens volunteered, i.e. he was bribed heavily, to chaperone the kids.

His family went on to fill up their plates and sat about the long table. The conversations immediately started flowing. Raucous laughter filled the after air. Jesting and teasing were done between bites of food and sips of drinks or water.

Niall once finished went and stuffed himself between Harry and G'amma, who gave a formidable fight. She was not willing to let go of her 'rightful' place next to her darling Harold but he somehow managed it.

"Oh come on they can tell us apart by now! They are 6 months old! Tell them, Niall!" Lissa said with a hearty laugh. She spooned mash potatoes and roast potatoes together and stuffed in her mouth. Niall was tempted to tell her that both were carbohydrates but then held out when he realised that would be such a Harry thing to do.

"Of course they can tell you apart. They see you as 'the one whose boobs lactate.'" He points at Lissa with his fork then at Devin afterwards." And you as 'the one whose boobs don't lactate.'"

Everyone who was within earshot of the conversation died laughing at Dev's expense. The other people at the end of the table not wanting to miss out on a good joke, demanded that they let them in on it.

Luckily Sammy had been recording the moment so he could flex with it on Instagram. He sent everyone the video. Poor Dev had to suffer through another round of hollered mirth at his experience once more.

After people had had their third round at the buffet line, that's when aunt Merida somehow remembered that Niall needed to tell them all something. Taking matters into her own hands she clanked her fork against her glass calling for silence.

But his family being themselves they obviously took that as an opportunity to show off their musical skills. It took another 10 minutes of bodily harm, pleading and actual violence to get everyone to stay silent.

All this time was trying hard to remember how to breathe because he had somehow forgotten. His brow broke out in sweat and he was insistently wiping at it but it kept on being moist.

All eyes were on him. All of them somehow blue. Excerpt for Harry and Claire. But they were all pretty sure from her odd behaviour, that Claire was an alien anyway.

Hahaha." Niall laughed nervously. His fork and nice clanked into his plate when he placed them there. "Right I wanted to tell you all something. Something important."

"You all better listen because I'd rather say it once." He nervously rubbed his hands on his trousers.

"Right, well, my album is almost done!" Harry sunk his nails into the meaty flesh of Niall's thigh when he realised that he was chickening out

Niall yelped and practically jumped off his chair. He laid accusatory eyes on Harry but Harry was the poster child of pretending to be innocent. His eyes were cast down in a delicate manner, He didn't even look up when Niall stepped on his foot.

"Ok. That's no want I want to tell you." Niall finally said. He took a sip of his water, trying to wet his dry mouth. He licked his chapped lips looking for a distraction from the situation at hand."See, Harry and I are a couple."

 Niall's words were meant with silence.

"We have been going out for about 6 months now. And I wanted to tell you all at once before you found out from someone else." Niall continues. Harry placed a comforting hand on his thigh, once more. Squeezing it and silently telling him he was there for him.

The stretch of silence continues. It was actually a huge accomplishment. They all had never gone that long without saying anything and being loud. Whatever happened, Niall was considering this a win already.

"What did he say!?" Uncle Rus yelled from the end of the table.

"He said he and Harry are going out!" Greg, the only one who knew about them, yelled back.

"OOOOOOOH!" People at the ends of the table said in unison.

"I mean, we kind of knew already though. How long have you been going out?!" Someone else yelled.

"About 6 months!" Someone else yelled on his behalf. Niall facepalmed at the Ludacris situation that was playing out. Trust this family to turn a very serious moment into something out of an Archie comic book.

Claire's distinct menacing chortle suddenly rose out of nowhere."Aunt Gert! What do you think of all this!?" She asked.

The table went quiet again.

"...I just want to know who tops." She finally said, asking the money question.

And all hell broke loose.

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