Chapter 25

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Peach looked over at Baby Mario and Baby Luigi. They were playing on the shroob mushroom that used to be Prince Bowser. But when Baby Mario took it too far, Baby Luigi started to cry. Violet was about to calm the little tyke but that's when they saw that Prince Bowser had returned to normal.

Violet breathed, "Baby tears...?"

Peach asked, "You can't be serious...?"

Mario answered, smiling, "Well, looks like Luigi, Mr. L, and Baby Luigi saved the day!"

Crash chuckled, looking around, "Who wants to call Elvin and let him know?"

Coco brought out her communication watch and replied, "Hopefully I can since the field is down."

Luigi came to, gaining Aku-Aku's attention.

He stated, "Look who awakens. Our hero."

Cortex came over to Luigi and asked, "Are you okay, Luigi?"

Luigi answered, softly, "Yeah, still a bit sore..."

After a bit, Elvin used the Hydrogush to transport Baby Peach and Baby Violet's tears to the past. Course making them cry wasn't Toadsworth's idea. Let's just say Younger Toadsworth and Toadsworth had another argument. Anyways, the tears went into the past, turning everyone back to normal. Toadiko was back, the shroob mushrooms everywhere went away, Kylie and Toadbert were also back, N. Gin and Tiny were back taking Nina with them, and Young Kamek took Prince Bowser back home - even though he was whining about his treasure. Elvin arrived in the time machine.

He told them, "Why look, my machine is completely restored! With included room! I've engineered it to run off the energy from the time holes. And everything worked! The Toadsworths are waiting for us, so come along!"

Everyone happily boarded the time machine, headed back to the present. When they got there, all of the Toads shouted a welcome back. Also there were N. Gin, Tiny, and Nina. Cortex gasped happily, hugging his niece and his two friends as well. Crash smiled upon seeing them as did Coco and Aku-Aku. N. Gin pulled away from Cortex first, seeing Coco behind Cortex. She waved shyly as he did the same thing.

Crash stated, "Well, that's that. We did it."

Coco complained, "Rather you and Cortex saved me. I was hoping to be a bit more of a help this time..."

Cortex chuckled as he replied, "You can't always get what you want, you know."

N. Gin shyly added, "I just wish I saved you earlier..."

Coco blushed as Tiny commented, "Tiny says we won!"

Aku-Aku responded, "That we did."

Mario turned to his team and stated, "We did the best that we needed to do."

Luigi replied, smiling, "Yeah we did. Even when Mr. L emerged..."

Violet shook her head in disbelief and admitted, "Still can't believe that he helped us."

Peach responded, "Even the strangest of things can happen, sis." She paused for a second and giggled, "Sis. That feels amazing to say again."

Violet giggled, hugging her sister. Peach returned it, smiling. Mario and Luigi smiled at the sight. They all went inside, seeing Bowser knocked out in the throne room. Mario was about to wake him up and gloat in his face but that's when something strange happened. The plain old mushroom that Baby Luigi had flew out of his pocket and right into Bowser's mouth. Bowser woke up, becoming stronger as he did. Everyone immediately freaked out. Younger Toadsworth ran out with Baby Peach and Baby Violet. Toadsworth was about to do the same with Peach and Violet but the girls stood their ground.

Toadsworth insisted, "Girls, please!"

Peach told him, "No, we're fighting Bowser. No matter what you say!"

Violet added, "Yeah, after all, we have our responsibilities of being princesses, after all."

Crash shouted, "Then let's get to trashing Bowser everyone!"

Everyone else responded, "Right!"

With that, they started to fight ShrooBowser. They took it out, in no time at all.


That afternoon, the time machine was ready as was the transporter. Everyone was saying their goodbyes, even though there were a few tears coming from the babies. Luigi felt that he was also saying goodbye for Mr. L. So he gave everyone two hugs, one for him and one for Mr. L. Mr. L wasn't too thrilled about it but deep down, he appreciated the gesture. Crash hugged Mario, whom returned it.

Mario asked, "Will I ever see you again?"

Crash answered, "I'm sure that we will."

Mario pulled away from the hug and stated, "Thank you for everything, Crash Bandicoot."

Crash replied, "Same to you, Mario Gregory Manfredi Junior."

Mario smiled as the babies crawled into the time machine, ready to go. Luigi walked over to Mario, placing his hand on his big brother's shoulder. Mario turned to him and smiled. They all watched the time machine go back into the past and the heroes of N. Sanity Isle walk through the transporter. (Although, Aku-Aku floated through.) With that, things were quiet once again in Mushroom Kingdom.


A week later, Peach had announced to all of the kingdoms that Violet was her sister. Violet was inducted as Princess Violet, making Luigi blush. Mario was streaming the thing live and dimensionally. Crash smiled, upon seeing Violet properly crowned as Princess. N. Gin was now dating his sister, much to his relief. (Cause he knew it would happen sooner or later.)

Peach turned to Daisy and asked, "So...what do you think now Daisy? All of this time you were doubting me."

Daisy answered, "Okay, okay! I give up! You won!" Peach smiled happily and she added, "But that still doesn't explain what happened to her before all of this happened."

Peach stated, "That might be true but I do know one thing for sure. She's my sister. And I won't loose her ever again."

Daisy sighed as she replied, "Yeah, I know Peach. I know."


Back in the past, as the baby princesses slept through the night, a shadow loomed over Baby Violet. A cry was heard throughout the night and by the time Younger Toadsworth got to the room, Baby Peach was alone...

And she would be alone for the majority of her life. Without her twin sister...


Wishmaker1028: Guess we will never know who took Violet. But I do know this: I hope to do another story like this. Rather it is going to be another crossover like this one or not is yet to be seen or what it will be about will yet to be seen. All that aside, please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

Mario & Luigi: Partners in N SanityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora