Chapter 3

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When Mario finally reached the other side of the time hole, he had arrived in the past. More specifically, Hollijolli Village. Mario looked around, seeing that Luigi was a bit distance away from him. Violet joined them, looking around.

Mario breathed, "We are actually in the Mushroom Kingdom's past..."

Luigi stated, excited, "This is amazing!"

The time hole closed behind them, leaving them in the past alone.

Violet commented, "I guess we have to find our own way back to the future... Let's take a look around."

The brothers agreed as they started their adventure. They walked around the outer forest, eventually running into a Young Toad. He was passed out, in agony.

He whispered, hurt, "The...village..."

Mario perked up as he asked, "The village? What happened there, Toad?"

The Young Toad was about to answer when they saw saucer flying above their heads.

Luigi freaked out, "More aliens!"

Violet stated, "They are probably attacking the village!"

Mario made a fist and told them, "Come on, let's move!"

With that, Mario started to head there. Luigi and Violet were about to follow when they saw three alien ships behind them. Both of them gasped, running off to catch up with Mario. The three alien ships beamed up the Young Toad, flying off. When they finally got to village, they saw it was in shambles. There were craters everywhere, the alien ships blasting their lasers everywhere. They even kidnapped more Young Toads. The ships eventually left, leaving the Village in ruins.

Luigi commented, scared, "This is bad!"

Violet added, "We better look around."

The three of them looked around, eventually entering the mayor's house. The Mayor was in the chimney, stuck.

He asked, "Hello? Is anyone there? What happened to those awful Shroob things? Are they gone?"

Mario answered, "Yeah, they are gone."

Luigi questioned, "Who are you?"

The mayor explained, "Me? I'm the fine Mayor of this village. Nice to meet you!"

Violet stated, "Let's get you out of there, Mr. Mayor."

The mayor replied, "Yes, I would appreciate that." Violet grabbed on his legs, Luigi grabbing her, and Mario grabbing him. The three of them pulled, getting the mayor out of the chimney. He laughed happily, glad to be out of the chimney. He gushed, "Thank you very much good strangers!"

The mayor headed outside to look around but then screamed at what came his way. Mario, Luigi, and Violet got outside as they saw purple aliens that resembled purple mushrooms. With them were more alien ships.

Mario and Luigi blurted out, "Mamma Mia!"

Violet breathed, "Holy moley!"

The aliens took up the mayor, flying away. Mario, Luigi, and Violet all took battle stances. The purple aliens started to fight them, obviously overpowering the three adults. The alien ship even blasted them with an energy blast that was enough to knock them out.


Meanwhile, in the skies above the village was the Koopa Cruiser. Baby Mario and Baby Luigi were jumping around, playing. Baby Peach and Baby Violet were in their pink and purple stroller, giggling at their antics. All of the sudden, the cruiser was shot at. The red light and alarms went off. All of the babies started to cry out of fright.

The announcer on the overhead yelled, "EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY!"

Young Toadsworth crawled in, going over to the young princesses. He held them both, keeping them close.

He whispered, "Don't you worry, you two... I have you..."

With that, he took them to safety, leaving Baby Mario and Baby Luigi behind.

Prince Bowser announced, "This is the great Prince Bowser! Kneel, minions! Okay, now get up! All personnel to the bridge!" Baby Mario dried his eyes, dragging his brother to the bridge. He commented, "Time to show these alien jerks what the Koopa Cruiser can do! Fire the Koopa Cannon!"

The cannon fire managed to get the alien ships to crash, making Prince Bowser laugh with glee. That's when they saw the Hollijolli Village under attack by the Shroobs. Prince Bowser was about to pass them by when both Baby Peach and Baby Violet started to cry.

Young Toadsworth nagged, "Great hoogly-boogly! The princesses do NOT approve of this! Young Master Bowser, abandoning these folk is reprehensible!"

Prince Bowser shot the aliens as he huffed, "There! And we'll send a few people down, happy?!"

Both princesses stopped crying, starting to laugh. Prince Bowser was frustrated by this, sending Baby Mario and Baby Luigi down to the village.


Back in the time twister, Crash had went through a porthole. He had also arrived in Hollijolli Village, thrown off by the sudden change in location.

He looked around and asked, "Wait, where am I?" He tried his communication watch, which was linked back to Coco's laptop. Crash questioned, "Sis, when did I end up?" When there was only static, Crash started to get a little worried. He walked further into the village, seeing that two babies had found three adults on the ground. He looked up, seeing the Shroobs coming out of nowhere. He yelled, "Hey, watch out babies!" Crash jumped into action, spinning away two of the Shroobs. The other one went towards the babies. And with the surprise of the mutant bandicoot, the two babies took out the Shroob with two stomps. He breathed, "Whoa..."

The babies high fived each other, babbling happily. Crash chuckled a bit, turning to the adults on the ground. He studied the man in red and the man in green. Both had strong resemblance to the babies who had walked over to Crash. Crash was about to wake the adults when he heard a voice.

"Young Masters!" The voice shouted, making Crash turn on his heel. That's when he saw a Young Toadsworth. Young Toadsworth didn't know if he should have been surprised by Crash or the three adults on the ground. He breathed, "By boogiety..."

Crash asked, "Are you the father of these babies?"

Young Toadsworth was a bit taken back that Crash had spoken but replied, "No, I'm the royal adviser to the princesses of the Mushroom Kingdom. I'm Toadsworth and that at your feet is Master Mario, in the red, and Master Luigi, in the green."

Crash introduced, "I'm Crash Bandicoot and I'm a hero from N. Sanity Island."

Young Toadsworth perked up at this and questioned, "N. Sanity Island? I thought that place was just a legend..." That's when he changed the subject, looking at the sky, "We don't have time for that now. We must get them to Prince Bowser's ship before those Shroobs return."

Crash nodded in agreement as he helped pull Mario, Luigi, and Violet to the Koopa Cruiser. The babies followed Young Toadsworth and Crash, quite interested in the adults.


Wishmaker1028: In this story, Mario and Luigi were on their way to Brookyln when they were abducted by Kammy. They were rescued by the Yoshis and raised by them. When they were five, they got back to Brookyln until they were about fifteen. This also takes place after Hearts Be True: Under the Dark Moon. Anyways, please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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