Chapter 12

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Allowing the babies to go up into the attic of the house, they had found all of the Yoshis. There were a red one, a yellow one, a blue one, and a green one. The green one placed a finger to Baby Mario's lips, hushing him. That's when the place started to shake. The Yoshi ran out of the attic, Kylie deciding to follow them for a front page scoop.

Mario asked, "Anyone have a bad feeling right now besides me?"

Violet answered, as he and Luigi picked up the babies, "I know I do."

Luigi questioned, "What do we do now?"

Crash answered, "I guess we keep going."

Cortex stated, "We don't have any other choice."

Aku-Aku replied, "Let's go then."

With that, the team left the house. When they left, they heard a sound. They all looked around, looking up on the house's roof. That's when they saw a giant and fat Yoshi looking thing that had the Shroob colors. The heroes ran back inside, seeing that the Yoob was taking the Yoshi's with its long tongue. It even snatched up Kylie, eventually spitting out her shell. It even tried to attack the house, using its tongue, the heroes hiding up in the attic. It eventually left, letting things settle.

Crash commented, "Well that happened!"

Mario stated, "Well we know now what happened to the Yoshi's."

Cortex asked, "What's our move?"

Luigi answered, shaking in fear, "I v - vote we stay here."

Aku-Aku pointed out, "But that thing might come back, Luigi."

Violet replied, "And besides that, we can't hide here forever. I say we keep going!"

Everyone nodded in agreement as they left the house, this time for good. They went into the other house, seeing Young Kamek there.

Young Kamek groaned, "Snacks... Must find snacks... Score! And doesn't look like anyone's home, so I'll help myself to the goods. You got to wonder why this place is so empty, though..." With that, he flew off to the cliff side. The heroes decided to be sneaky and head there next. But the Yoob returned, taking Young Kamek as it did. However, the Yoob spit him out and headed off. Young Kamek huffed, "Hey, what's your beef, pal? I'm not tasty enough for you?! I'm prime Koopa, you snob! You're lucky I'm in a rush. I got to get these snacks to the Prince, pronto, or I would whip that snooty pink tail for you."

With that, he got his broom and flew off.


When they got deep in the jungle, they had found Young Kamek with Prince Bowser. The heroes decided to hide, wanting to wait to make their move. Prince Bowser was eating the Yoshi cookies and started to choke.

Young Kamek instructed, "Prince Bowser, little bites! Oh, here, have some warm milk. It's, uh, from an evil cow."

Prince Bowser drank the milk as he stated, "Ah, nothing like good cookies and evil milk. I was a little creeped out at first, hanging out in this ghost town, but... Then I realized there was no one to stop me from eating every cookie in sight! Yes!"

Young Kamek replied, "Yeah... It's been...great." That's when the babies went over to Young Kamek, capturing his attention. He added, "Ack! Baby alert."

The heroes came out of hiding, getting in front of the babies. Prince Bowser looked annoyed.

He groaned, "Grr, what are you chumps doing here?"

Violet stated, strongly, "We're here for the Cobalt Star shards!"

Cortex added, "And the Yoshi cookies."

Prince Bowser stomped over with a chuckle and replied, "You got to be kidding me! You are the ones that stole the treasure in the first place. So you are the bad guys here."

That's when Aku-Aku noticed something. He saw that Baby Mario and Baby Luigi were eating away at the Yoshi cookies.

He commented, "I don't think you have to worry about those cookies for much longer."

Luigi looked, seeing the babies were eating the cookies and groaned, "Oh no..."

Crash's eyes went wide as he asked, "Dang, how did they eat that many cookies in that short amount of time?!"

Mario answered, "I have no idea."

Young Kamek managed to stop Prince Bowser from attacking them, telling him to go ahead. Young Kamek then turned to the heroes, looking annoyed.

Young Kamek stated, "Now you are going to pay!"

With that, the battle started with Young Kamek.


Meanwhile, on the island, N. Gin was sitting on the beach with Tiny. The two of them were watching over Nina while Coco was getting some Wumpa Fruit.

Tiny leaned into N. Gin and whispered, the best he could, "Tiny wants to do this now!"

N. Gin placed his finger to his lips and whispered, "Be quiet. We'll move in once she returns." He turned to Nina, picking up the toddler into his arms. He added, "I'm sorry you had to get in the middle of this, Nina."

The toddler looked at him, confused as to why N. Gin was saying that. That's when they saw Coco returning with a basket of Wumpa Fruit.

She gushed, "Hey guys, I'm back!" Coco saw N. Gin looking down, holding Nina in his arms. She saw his long face and asked, "N. Gin? What's the matter? What's wrong?"

N. Gin whispered, "I'm sorry Coco." He turned to Tiny and ordered, "Get her!"

Tiny jumped over to Coco as he stated, "Tiny says finally!"

Coco gasped, dropping the basket and pleaded, "No, don't!" That's when Tiny picked up Coco, clutching her hard. She struggled against his grip but it was no use, he was too strong. She turned to N. Gin, whom walked over to her laptop. She hissed, "Cortex trusted you!"

N. Gin was still looking down, saying nothing. He placed the laptop by Tiny's feet, whom crushed it. Coco gasped, struggling even more. N. Gin went inside, destroying the place inside. Once that was done, he came out of the house, motioning to Tiny.

He barely whispered, "Let's go report to Uka-Uka."

Tiny stated, "Tiny says we are headed back!"

Coco was still struggling but all she could do was watch as she was taken away from the house.

She breathed, "Crash, please hurry back..."


Wishmaker1028: This can't be good. Nope, not at all! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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