Chapter 6

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Mario's jaw was hanging wide open. Crash looked surprised yet confused at the same time. Luigi looked stunned, too stunned to even move. In fact, Violet was only focusing on him. Yes, she saw that Mario and Crash were shocked at her theory. However, it was Luigi she was most worried about. While the theory made sound sense, no one could confirm that Violet was the name of the missing princess. (Nor to the fact that she had ice powers.) Luigi was about to say something when they all heard something. The Cobalt Star shard floated over to the alien, making it turn rather grumpy.

It startled the babies and Baby Luigi started to cry. Luigi went over to his baby self, picking him up piggyback style.

Elvin thought for a moment before stating, "Regardless of Violet's theory that she might be Peach's missing sister is correct or not, it is apparent that there's a link between Cobalt Star and the Shroobs marauders."

Crash decided to offer, "We could collect the rest of the Cobalt Star shards to figure out how to defeat the Shroobs."

Mario responded, agreeing, "That's possible."

Luigi turned to Violet, taking her hand. Violet looked at him, a bit anxious. She wanted to know. He knelled down to her, holding her hands.

He told her, "Violet, if you are Peach's sister or if you aren't, I just want you to know this. I'll always love you. I loved you since the day we took down King Boo together." He had tears in his eyes. Violet's eyes were flooding with tears, noticing that Baby Luigi was still on his back. The little baby in green placed his hands on theirs. He smiled at his baby self and added, "So no matter what, we're in this together."

Violet breathed, tearing, "Oh Luigi...thank you..."

Luigi got up off of the ground, taking Baby Luigi into his arms. Violet poked his nose, making the baby giggle in happiness. All of the sudden, the castle started to shake. Mario grabbed up his baby self, holding onto him. Crash braced himself, looking around.

He asked, "What was that?"

Elvin answered, "I think it is another time hole opening."

Mario stated, "A chance to find and rescue Princess Peach." He turned to Elvin and added, "Also, before we go again, can you check Crash's communication watch? I think he lost communication with his sister."

Elvin replied, "Be glad to!"

Crash turned to Mario and told him, "Thanks Mario. Hopefully I can get in touch with her and warn her about the Shroobs."

Mario gave Crash a thumb up as he responded, "Anytime."


As Mario, Luigi, Baby Mario, and Baby Luigi raided the new store in the castle; Violet was in Toadsworth's room with Crash. She had shown him the picture she had found earlier.

Crash took a good look at it and commented, "Toadsworth is a horrible photographer..."

Violet nodded in agreement as she stated, "Happen to agree." She took the small book of baby photos, looking them over. She added, "There's just got to be something here."

Crash questioned, "If you do think this is the young you, then why didn't want it confirmed back in Prince Bowser's castle?"

Violet sighed sadly and explained, "Cause I was afraid of the truth... I didn't want anyone treating me any differently if I am Peach's sister."

Crash raised an eyebrow as he asked, "Why would that be bad? The minute I found out that my sister was okay, I ran to her side. I wasn't gonna let anyone stop me."

She stated, "The thing is, the way Toadsworth treats her, like keeping cooped up in a castle all day to be bait for Bowser... That's not exactly how I want my day to go every single day of my life."

He replied, "That might be so but what if he did that because something happened to you?"

Violet frowned as she reached the final picture in the book. Not only was Crash right but she had found something. It was another group photo of the babies, this time outside in the rose gardens. It was a picture taken by a Toad, for Toadsworth was in the picture. From left to right it was: Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Toadsworth, Baby Peach, and finally...the other baby princess. The one that bared a striking resemblance to her. Violet examined the back and went pale. All of the names of the babies were there in Toadsworth's handwriting: Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Violet.


Back in the past of the Mushroom Kingdom, Coco was walking with Cortex. They had made it into Toad Town with little problem at all. Aku-Aku floated near, just in case the two of them needed him.

Coco stated, "I really don't like this."

Aku-Aku agreed, "Yes, it seems far too quiet."

Cortex replied, "I know but if we can just find Crash, things will be okay. If he's still here, that is..."

Coco raised an eyebrow and asked, "And if he's not?"

Cortex explained, "Then we try to get to the present."

Aku-Aku responded, "I never thought that time traveling would be this complicated..."

They kept walking, eventually running into Dingodile. He was holding up some Young Toads, using his flamethrower to do so. The Shroobs laughed at them, using their own language to do so.

Dingodile stated, "Hey you are the ones going to be roasted for them and for Uka-Uka!"

Cortex raised his ray gun as he threatened, "Back away from them, Dingodile."

Dingodile looked up, turning to Cortex, and replied, "Well, look at what the time cat dragged in. Ya know, Uka-Uka really wants you back in pieces."

Coco stepped in front of Cortex as she told him, "If you want him, you're going have to fight me."

Cortex started to protest, "Coco..."

Dingodile ignored him as he shrugged, pointing his flamethrower at the youngest Bandicoot.

He told her, "It works for me, sheila."


Wishmaker1028: Well this can't be good... Can Coco defeat Dingodile? Can Violet really confirm her theory? Only time can tell! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

Mario & Luigi: Partners in N SanityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora