Chapter 13

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After beating Young Kamek, they went ahead to find Prince Bowser. Sadly for the young Koopa prince, he was at a dead end and the edge of a cliff.

He huffed, "Grr, unbelievable! A stupid dead end!" That's when the heroes arrived, gaining the attention of Prince Bowser. He took out the shards and told them, "Since you ate my cookies, I'll eat the treasure then!"

Before anyone could protest, the prince swallowed both pieces of the Cobalt Star.

Aku-Aku told them, grossed out, "I'm not getting those..."

Crash was about to suggest something but that's when they saw the Shroobs flying saucers. Everyone perked up, taking a look. That's when they saw that Yoob was climbing up the cliff. The Shroobs made him even bigger. Everyone yelped, upon seeing the red eyes of the Yoob. They all screamed in horror, grabbing the babies. They ran off, getting out of there as quickly as they could. However, they couldn't go any much farther as the tongue of the Yoob snatched them all up.


When Luigi finally opened his eyes, he saw that he was with his baby self, Mario, and his baby self. The babies were crying, scared stiff.

Luigi asked, groaning, "Violet...? Where are you...?" He got up slowly, looking over at Mario. Mario was face down, out cold. Luigi groaned, "Of course he is..." He checked his pockets, pulling out more Yoshi cookies that he picked up. He gave them to the babies, whom stopped crying at the treat. Luigi breathed a sigh of relief, "That is better."

Mario finally got to his feet and asked, "What happened...?"

Luigi answered, "I think we got separated from the others when Yoob ate us."

Mario stated, "Then let's go find them before we get digested."

Luigi nodded in agreement, grimacing at the thought of being digested, taking up Baby Luigi. Mario did the same, taking up Baby Mario. The two of them headed off to find Violet and the N. Sanity Team.


As the two of them continued to find the others, Uka-Uka was really pleased with N. Gin's quick work.

Uka-Uka stated, "You have done me well, N. Gin. Not only did you get what I wanted but you also got me more power crystals as well."

N. Gin bowed out of fear and replied, "It was my duty, to please you."

Tiny was still holding Coco as he responded, "Tiny say that we are awesome!"

Coco looked up at Uka-Uka and hissed, "You won't get away with this!"

Uka-Uka laughed evilly and pointed out, "Oh, believe me, that traitor Cortex does not know what he's gotten himself into." He turned to N. Gin and ordered, "Put her with the princess. I have to have a little chat with Princess Shroob. We'll need both the princesses here if we want to proceed with taking over the kingdom."

With that, the evil magical mask floated off. N. Gin turned to Tiny, still holding Nina in his arms.

He asked the mutant tiger, looking down, "Can you put Coco with Princess Peach, please?"

Tiny nodded and answered, "Tiny says sure!"

The mutant tiger walked off, Coco in hand. She still struggled, trying to get out of his grip to warn her brother somehow. Alas, his grip was still too strong. She groaned as Tiny entered a chamber. He opened a cage, tossing Coco into it. Tiny then closed it, locking in the process. The mutant tiger walked off, Coco getting to her feet and slamming against the cage door. It didn't budge. She tried again but to no avail.

"Who are you?" A voice asked her, sounding frightened.

Coco spun around, seeing that Peach was behind her. Coco bowed to her respectfully.

She answered, "Forgive me for startling you, Princess Peach. My name is Coco Bandicoot, the baby sister to Crash Bandicoot, the hero of N. Sanity Isle."

Peach raised an eyebrow and questioned, "I thought it was just a legend?"

Coco stiffened a laugh as she explained, "Oh, believe me, we thought that the Mushroom Kingdom was the legend."

Peach had to giggle but her face softened as she asked, "How did you get captured then? Was it by the Shroobs?"

Coco shook her head and answered, "I fear it was by one of the cronies that Uka-Uka has at his disposal. Someone I thought I could trust..."

Peach seemed very interested as she questioned, "Who? Who was that?"

Coco explained sadly, "His name was N. Gin. And he tricked me..."

The young female bandicoot started to cry, her covering her face with her hands. Peach walked over to her, hugging her gently. Coco perked up at this as Peach held Coco close.

She explained, softly, "I never got to do this with my baby sister..."

Coco welcomed the comfort, crying on the shoulder of the Mushroom Princess. Peach rubbed her back as Coco continued to cry, her body shaking.

Coco hiccuped, "I t - thought we could trust him... I t - thought he cared for me..."

She thought but didn't add, 'I love him... But I guess...he doesn't love me...'


Meanwhile, in the belly of Yoob, Crash finally came to. Aku-Aku was floating over him, looking worried.

He asked, "Are you alright?"

Crash nodded as he got to his feet and answered, "Yeah, mostly..." He looked around for the others and asked, "Did we get separated?"

Aku-Aku stated, "Yes, it would appear so."

Crash groaned, "Great and me without a map to this place..."

Aku-Aku pointed out, "That never stopped us before."

Crash replied, "Fair point. Let's get out of here before anything else happens."

The magical mask floated up and down in agreement, following the mutant bandicoot.


When Violet got to, she saw that Cortex was with her, looking at some pictures. Cortex perked up, seeing that she was awake.

He greeted, "Hello Violet."

Violet greeted back, "Hello Cortex." She paused and asked, "Where are we?"

Cortex explained, "I think we're somewhere in the nervous system. The others are probably still down in the digestive system."

Violet groaned, "Great, this is just perfect..."

Cortex looked at her and asked, "Why, don't like biology?"

Violet answered, "Was never my best subject."

Cortex stated, "It wasn't my sister's either."

Violet perked up and questioned, "Your sister? Nina's Mom?" Cortex nodded, showing her pictures of a lady, a year older than Cortex. She had yellow skin, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a yellow long sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and black high heels. She told Cortex, "She's beautiful."

Cortex put away the picture as he replied, "That's Nacey. And I would do anything to see my older sister again."

Violet couldn't help but sigh and responded, "Same here, Cortex. Same here."

The two of them then headed down to the digestive system after that, off to find the others.


Wishmaker1028: With that, our heroes are trying to find the others. Plus Coco is struggling with her new revelation. Can our heroes save her and Peach? Time will only tell. Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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