Chapter 10

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After defeating N. Tropy, the team quickly decided to go deeper into the Vim Factory. As they kept on going, they each filled in the other team about what was going on. With the help of Coco's laptop, they were able to map each of the creepy hallways. Once they got all the way down to the end, they entered a room. That's when they saw a green centipede like creature, drinking a green like substance.

Crash asked, "What is that thing?"

Mario explained, "It's a Wiggler."

Cortex raised an eyebrow and stated, "Wiggler? That's a strange name."

Luigi shrugged as he replied, "Eh, we're more used to it, I guess."

Coco looked at the empty glass and questioned, "But why is it drinking that stuff?"

Violet answered, "No idea but I have a feeling we're about to find out."

Aku-Aku questioned, "What makes you say that?"

Violet was about to answer, when she saw that the babies were near the Wiggler. They looked up, seeing that the drink was powering up the flying saucers.

Crash commented, "I think we found the answer to that."

Mario stated, "So they use the Wiggler to power the flying saucers with the Vim that they steal."

Cortex looked perplexed and asked, "How are we supposed to stop that?"

That's when the babies knocked the cup away from the Wiggler. The Wiggler instantly got mad.

Luigi whimpered, "I think we're about to take out that Wiggler!"

Coco told him, "Well then bring it on!"

Violet got her ice powers ready and replied, "I'm ready!"

Aku-Aku added, "As am I."

With that, the heroes went into battle with the Wiggler. After defeating it, the heroes all high fived each other, all happy. The Cobalt Star shard appeared, Violet taking into her hands. She made a victory sign, making everyone laugh. That's when they saw something running in. They looked, seeing Prince Bowser. He spun around her, making her dizzy as he did. She dropped the shards making Prince Bowser pick them up.

He laughed, "Losers! Thought you could get away with stealing my treasure from my castle, did ya? It's payback time! I'll take my whatever you picked up as compensation!"

Young Kamek arrived and stated, "Prince Bowser! Let's scram!"

With that, the two of them fled. Luigi ran over to Violet, grabbing her gently.

He asked, "Vi, you okay?"

Violet nodded as she answered, "Yeah, sorry Weegie."

Luigi shook his head and stated, "Hey, it's okay, I promise. We'll get those shards back."

Mario replied, "For now, let's head back to our time and re-group."

Crash asked, "Should we go to the island too and pick up any supplies?"

Coco answered, "Yeah, I think we should."

Cortex added, "And leave Nina with someone. I don't want her getting hurt."

Aku-Aku floated over them and told them, "Allow me."

With that, he circled around them, teleporting them to N. Sanity Isle.


Meanwhile, watching the display was Uka-Uka and N. Gin. Princess Shroob had left to check on Peach.

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