Chapter 16

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After speaking to Kylie, the group was able to activate the secret entrance. Kylie had caught up to them but before she could say anything, something caught their attention. They looked through the glass, seeing a gathering of Shroobs. Uka-Uka had arrived, looking around. Princess Shroob came in, the Shroobs cheering as she did.

Uka-Uka stated, "This is quite the crowd, Princess Shroob."

Princess Shroob shouted a bit in Shroob language, getting the room quiet. As she spoke, there were many cheers from the audience. All of the sudden, a flying saucer came in, holding Peach and Coco.

Peach protested, struggling, "Hey, let us go!"

Coco added, struggling, "Yeah, this isn't fair!"

Uka-Uka hissed, "You two be quiet, this is Princess Shroob's show."

Peach huffed, "Well I never!"

Coco warned Peach, "Don't argue with Uka-Uka. He's just as powerful as his brother, the good one, Aku-Aku."

Peach gulped as Uka-Uka thought, 'If I didn't know any better, I would say my brother is here...' The flying saucer lowered the two just above Petey Piranha Plant. Both girls squirmed a bit. Mario got more and more worried, as did Crash. The flying saucer let them both go as Petey Piranha Plant chomped down on them. Mario and Crash suddenly felt frozen. Everyone else did too but none more so than Mario and Crash. Before anyone could react, Kylie was kidnapped by two Shroobs. She was taken away as the babies started to cry. Mario snapped out of it, starting to coo Baby Mario. Luigi did the same with Baby Luigi.

Aku-Aku commented, "This is bad...we must save Peach and Coco."

Violet looked up at Aku-Aku and asked, "But how can we get there?"

Cortex answered, "I'm not sure but we need to save Kylie as well."

Luigi nodded in agreement as he stated, "Yeah and then the whole world!"

Crash snapped out of it and turned to Mario as he questioned, "You ready?"

Mario looked up, his hands glowing of his Firebrand and answered, "I'm ready to save my girl."

With that, he deactivated his fire, heading out with his friends.


When they got deep into the dome, they all looked around. They saw that a Shrooboid Brat was there on stage, looking quite mean and nasty. The heroes took a stance, ready to fight it. After a long fight, the Shrooboid Brat was defeated. But Princess Shroob had a plan. She had Shroobs surround the group, taking out their hammers, and slamming the ground under their feet. A hole opened up as they fell through it.

Uka-Uka stated to Princess Shroob, "You are an interesting an alien."

The alien princess just said something in language before she laughed evilly.


The heroes had gotten to the very bottom of the dome, knocked out. The babies landed on top of them, safely. Violet was the first to get up, groaning as she did.

She complained, "Can't we ever catch a break!" She turned to the babies and added, "I'm glad you two are okay, though."

Baby Mario and Baby Luigi giggled, as Aku-Aku was the next to rise.

He commented, "It seems we are in the underground of the dome."

Luigi was the next to get up as he stated, "There's no way we can get up there..."

Cortex, Crash, and Mario all got up. They saw the situation and had to agree with Luigi.

Cortex replied, "I happen to agree."

Mario & Luigi: Partners in N SanityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon