Chapter 23

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When they were done shopping, the heroes went threw the time hole. Once they got there, the Cobalt Star flew out of Violet's pocket. It took down the barrier, allowing them to go in. Once they got in deep enough, they found Peach and Coco's cell. Or rather, a viewing place into it. Peach and Coco were pacing around, the two girls chatting.

Peach asked, "Do you think Mario is coming soon?"

Coco answered, "I am pretty sure that he and Crash will be here soon."

Baby Mario hammered the controls of the viewing room, allowing the two girls to hear Mario and the others.

Mario asked, "Peach? Can you hear me?"

Peach breathed, "Mario?! You're here!"

Crash added, "We're all here!"

Coco whispered, "About time, bro..."

Violet took a few steps forward and stated, "Peach...I know this isn't the time or place for this but I am your long lost sister."

Peach had tears in eyes as she admitted, "I know you are. I had that feeling the minute I saw you, Violet..."

Luigi was in awe and replied, "You could've said something before, you know..."

Peach responded, "Yes well, things have been complicated."

Cortex told them, "Don't worry, girls. We will get you two out of there."

Coco replied, "We would appreciate that."

Aku-Aku added, "Then we're on our way."

Coco started to add, "We're on top of the statue..."

The viewing area went dead but it was enough to give the heroes a location. As they went into the pipe that went up, a chain chomp came by, pushing the pipe downwards. This forced the heroes to go down instead of up. Now they had to find a way to get rid of that chomp and a way to go up. After a bit, they found the chain chomp and took it down without a problem. Luigi hugged Baby Luigi, not noticing that his eyes were silver once again - this time longer. They started their final climb after getting out of the sewers.


They were climbing the statue, for what seemed to be hours. But they were finally able to reach the top. That's when they heard something.



"Peach!" Mario cried.

"Coco!" Crash also cried.

The two of them ran ahead, the Cobalt Star flying out of Violet's pocket. Baby Mario was hanging onto Mario tightly. Mario and Crash's teams running right behind. Baby Luigi was also holding onto Luigi tightly.

"Malleo, hold on!" Luigi commented.

"Wait for us Cobalt Star!" Cortex added.

"Yeah, we want to smack the Shroobs too!" Violet stated.

"And my brother." Aku-Aku reminded.

They entered a big part of the statue, seeing Peach and Coco behind an energy field. They looked up, seeing them.

Peach gushed, "Mario! You're here!"

Coco added, "Crash! You came!"

Mario asked Peach, "Peach, are you okay?"

Crash questioned, "Coco, are you alright?"

Peach nodded and answered, "Yes, I'm fine.'

Coco added, "I'm fine too but Nicholas isn't."

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