Chapter thirty- five

Start from the beginning

 "Hey Ally. That was magical." Gayheart suddenly reappears. "Maybe you should take the job of shutting the bitches up from now on."

 "Just go away." I say, breathing hard. I hated him and now I want to kill him. He just did this to Alicia. Alicia. 

 "Fine, just get her to calm down, already." He shrugs, then left. I feel a rush of happiness when he leaves the house, this is the best time to escape, and I have my sister with me. I turn to Alicia, trying to smile.

 "Don't worry."

 "You are..." She stops. "I know you. Who are you?"

 "You can do it, Alicia, you know me." I say. "Calm down." With the surprise kidnap, Alicia probably just couldn't think straight, she has to remember me. She has to.

 "You know my name." She says, slowly.

 "I do, and you know mine." I feel like I want her to realize who I am, I don't want to just tell her. She studies me confused, and my heart sinks. We haven't seen each other in just a few days.

 "That guy that just kidnapped me, he was Rohypnol Guy, the one that tried to get me once already, were you somehow in the scene? Are you friends with him? Is that why I remember you?"

 "That's impossible." I bite hard on my lip. "Think about it, why didn't you get kidnapped the first time, he tried?"

 "My sister saved me." Her expression drops. "But now....... she's missing." She stops, stares at me, and her jaw drops to the ground.

 "You know who I am now, right?" I ask, eagerly. Alicia is silent for a while.

 "Oh my god! What happened to you!? Molly!" She throws her arms around me, screaming. "What happened? You look like a ghost." Ghost.


 "I can't believe I'm seeing you again! I can't believe it!"

 "I can't believe it either." I say.

 "Why are all those cuts there?! Why are you with him-?"

 "Remember when I volunteered to get your bag for you? Well, I bumped into him on the way unfortunately." I sigh.

 "He kidnapped you. I should've known. All the others, Cole, Kimberly, Mom and Dad, and your friends- they all think that you're dead. They're focusing on finding out how you died and where your body is. They're really hurt, just by the thought. I thought that you were dead too, but you're not! You're not!" She squeezes me hard.

 "Oh...” I sigh heavy hearted. Obviously Eleanor hasn't found a way to tell them where I am yet, or tell them what happened to me.

 "But why aren't you... dead? I'm glad that you're not but- Oh I feel so bad."

 "What were you doing there? That place we went to last night?"

 "I was trying to look for you. I can't take it anymore. Everyone thought that you were dead, I won't believe it. I can't believe this is true, I'm seeing you again, Molly. I felt like... I wanted to look for you myself. Everyone's looking for you. Just... no luck."

 "Well, we can find a way out now, especially since he's gone. He's usually gone until midnight."

 "Where are we?"

 "I don't know. And there will be time for questions, just not now."


 All the windows and doors are locked, and there are no houses anywhere. We searched literally the entire Victorian house for a way out. We searched for a way to escape for the entire day. Alicia started to panic when I came up with the idea of smashing a window and jumping out.

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