Chapter 69 :Powerless greed .

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 They say that in the middle of the chaos , the brain tends to react rather faster than usual , i say it's true yet the adrenaline that had filled my whole body paralised me badly , i would feel the bliid rushing into my blood vessels , it could feel everything , the excurciating pain in my head , my nerves tighten and the back of my head painfully numb and about to blow , everything seemed to halt into a stop and i could see things clearer than usual , my muscle tightened under Joy's and it was then when i realised that it was time to move , ' the wait is over ' i told myself 

It's time to salvate , it's time to make a move and take things in hand , suddenly life didn't matter anymore and all that ran in my mind was me wanting to save everyone and everything before things could collapse utterly .

I flexed my arm muscles feeling them harden making her let go at the quick arm movement i made and i rushed to where Amber was stretching my leg to the back of the Rogue kicking his back , getting his attention , i wasn't trained to watch , i realised once more 

Once his eyes met mine i streched my orbit consciously

"Dolor" i pronouced sending his mind into oblivion sending pain the blood vessels in his head blowing them , i watched collapse in front of me and i ran to the middle of the penthouse  where Joy and Ailee were stuck holding a Rogue down

"I need them , where are they ?" Mary asked Ailee 

"They are outside "Ailee muttered after ripping the rogue's head .

She needed their support , their powers to ignite hers , making her even stronger .

The moment she halted to a stop lying eyes on them fighting , they stopped as well as feeling her presence 

A second later , their eyes were on her 

her heavy breaths echoed through her ears , she wasn't exhasuted yet to be out of breath but the tension around her made it hard for her to focus no matter what 

She looked back once more spotting some of the people she recognised getting out of the penthouse , she marched slowly backwards toward her mates as if scared something would happen of she turn her back to the wrong side 

"He is out " She heard Ailee scream into the nothingness as she held Amber's arms steadying her from falling .

"Out of the way" Mary yelled out to the allies 

"Out of the way" she repeated screaming her lungs out 

"Mary no " Minseok screamed walking towards her 

"Stay away " she held her hand up to him making him halt into a stop 

"Please help the others away " she begged him 

"Please " she repeated then turned to find Soo man , her suit dusty and his passion seemed to only grow to drain her of all she had 

She had one more factor she could play one , she had once more card to pull that he didn't know about , luckily it hadn't been 24h yet she had been in contact with her mates 

The looks of fear some had , the fierce will some had , the trembling minds and brains she could hear around her , the chaos , it all gave her strength to walk steadily to face him 

With only a few rogues left behind him , he gave Mary an atrocious look , that would have sent her in shivers if it had been a few hours before , she breathed proudly , a few meters separating their bodies 

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