"Shall we go?" Jimin turned to ask and I noticed that Hoseok had left.

"Yes, my lord " I nodded quickly.

On reaching the Underworld, Jimin headed straight to his room while I walked to my own chamber. He hadn't  spoken a single word on our way here and I didn't want to dig into him and force him to speak as I wasn't in a good mood either.

"Are you okay?" Was all I could ask before he stepped into his own room to which he only nodded, not even turning around to glance  at me before he entered and shut the door behind his back.

I walked back to my own chamber and stripped the armor off of my body piece by piece. I didn't know why I was so sad about this. I was no match for Jimin and I couldn't believe  that my mind had even fantasized about being able to live a life, by his side as his companion.

Shaking my head, I stared into the  full length mirror that reflected me the way I was. He deserved better than what my eyes could see and I definitely did not deserve a god.

My job was to protect him and make sure to keep him from harms way and that's all I intended to do. I needed to bury my feelings away and hope for him to have the best.


Jimin's pov:

My mind was in havoc as I plopped down on the bed, not sure of my next move. Would mother ever accept Yoona? Someone who isn't of royal blood? Not a high born? Of course, she wouldn't.

It'd be better if I hadn't bothered to water my feelings and let it grow into a tree full of love, only to have it chopped down by my own mother! I shouldn't have listened to Hoseok hyung in the first  place but then again, I wouldn't find someone who'd stick onto me like Yoona had.

How she effortlessly pulled me out of my own phases of stress and anger, I did not know. Nor did I know how she managed to cool my boiling blood just with a simple touch. I know not how she was so oblivious to my love and how she hid her affection so deep in her heart that I couldn't read it from her eyes and had to venture into her mind to know what I needed to know.

I shrugged the coat off and tugged the shirt away from my body until my torso was naked. The air cooled my warm skin as I stepped towards the mirror in my own chamber and stared at it for a few seconds before brushing my fingers against the glass.

The moment I did, my own reflection slowly turned foggy and disappeared. Another image appeared allowing me to look into Yoona's room through her mirror. To my surprise, the girl was standing right in front of it and it felt like she was looking straight at me. The only advantage was that this window was only one way. Only I could see whatever I wanted to see and so, she wouldnt  know that I was watching her every move.

A drop of tear rolled down her cheek as she stared at her own reflection in the mirror and I almost wanted to reach out and embrace her. She wiped it away and smiled at herself, shaking her head a few times as if dusting the thoughts away.

Yoona walked towards her bed and I stepped closer to my own mirror, watching her closely as she tugged at the hem of her shirt and lifted it off above her head before tossing it away.

A smirk formed on my lips at the appearance of her bra clad chest and exposed tummy. She was adorable. With a constant pout and quivering lips, she got out of her pants leaving only her underwear on.

I felt like an indecent man, but I couldn't bring myself to stop watching. She tied her long hair up in a bun and walked straight towards her bathroom, grabbing a towel on the way and disappeared from my sight.

I almost considered watching her through the mirror in the bathroom but quickly shook the idea off. That is wrong Jimin.

Not like what I was doing right now was any right.

Watching her move around carelessly eased my mind and somehow made me feel better. I waited patiently, for her to finish her business and walk back into the room and that was when I decided I would confess.

I had to confess. Love and affection is what I'm sure I saw, blooming deep in her heart and soul. She yearned for me but proved to be better than me at hiding it, as duty, dereliction and loyalty got the best of her.

When Yoona walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around her body, I couldn't help the sigh that escaped my lips at the sight.

Her eyes were red and her lashes were wet. I let my hand brush against her image on my mirror and she stiffled a cry as she plopped down on her bed.

Had she been crying in the shower?

"Jiminie.." She trailed out and for a moment, my chest tightened and I was afraid that she was aware of being on my watch. But certain of my own powers, I knew the window was only one sided until I wanted it to be two.

She hugged the towel close to her body and looked down at her own feet.

"No Yoona. Stop being an idiot. You can't marry him!" She scolded herself, in a pained whisper that reached my ears a bit too clearly.

That was it. I couldn't watch her pained and hurt anymore. Exhaling at once, forgetting the fact that I wasn't wearing a shirt, I stepped into her room through the mirror.



So I saw this on pinterest and thought you guys would want to feast your eyes 😘

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

So I saw this on pinterest and thought you guys would want to feast your eyes 😘

empyrean | pjm (wattys2017)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ