Identity Crisis

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"What is your favorite thing to say?"

"Yes Master."

"When can you say that?"

"When you allow me to Master."

"She's doing well. You did well Adam." Master nodded.

"Thank you very much. Anything for a brother. So now what?" Master's friend asked.

"Now we introduce her to the strangers downstairs and see what damage we can do."

Master graciously walked me down the stairs and into the kitchen where the strangers at the table practically jumped at me, concern in their faces.

"Adriana! Are you okay? Is everything okay? What happened?" A man asked urgently.

"I'm fine, of course." I replied with a smile to the stranger.

"What did he do to you while he had that discussion with you? Did he do anything to you?" The same man asked loudly.

"Hush," I said softly. "It's okay. Seriously. He didn't do anything, he never has."

"Adriana. Listen to me. I heard you screaming. I have an idea of what went on. My brother did something to you, didn't he?" The man asked seriously.

"Whoa, you're Master's brother?" I asked in disbelief, turning to Master. "You never told me you had a brother, Master!"

"That I do, princess." He said softly, smiling angelically.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Wait a second. Did you just call him Master? Adriana, you don't need to call him that. Call him Sir. We are your only Masters, no exceptions. And how did you not know that, I've told you countless times! Adriana, why did he call you 'princess?' I better get some fucking answers Matthew, otherwise we are packing our bags and leaving this instant." He huffed and folded his arms across his chest. "I already know you did something to her. That was pretty obvious by the way she was screaming. You better tell me what the hell happened to my bitch, or I'm going to make your little human ass wish you were never born. I don't give a fuck if you're my brother or not." The stranger spat with fury burning in his eyes and manifesting itself in his clenched and shaking fists. I could see two fangs peeking out from his mouth, causing me to back away into Master's arms for safety. At this, the stranger just began laughing.

"You did not just go into my helpless brother's arms for safety, did you? Ha! What a joke. This whole thing is just one, big, fucking joke! Isn't it!" He yelled. He grabbed my arm and yanked me away from Master.

"We're out of here. I would say that I can't believe you would betray me like this, but I can. Let's go boys. Adriana, I don't want to hear a fucking word from you." The stranger said furiously.

"Master! Don't let them take me! Why are you letting a bunch of strangers take me away from you?"

"Strangers! Strangers, huh? Oh you really fucked up Matthew. You fucked up big time, and you're going to regret this." The man yelled, dragging me behind him as he walked out of the front door, not even bothering to grab anything before leaving. The strangers followed him, and they tore me apart from the one who has shown me so much love and comfort. Why isn't he doing anything? Why isn't he running after me?

"I'll see you soon, princess. Don't fret." He called out to me before I was shoved into a car.

Once in the car and driving away from my wonderful Master's house, I began to weep for my loss, but my sadness grew to fear as I saw a man next to me with a syringe in his hand.

"This'll stop your bitching." He laughed, jabbing it into my thigh and injecting it.

I grew dazed and woozy, not able to support myself anymore, and soon collapsed on the floor of the van, unconscious, tears drying on my face.

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