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"I could die! You could kill me! Why would I ever be okay with this? 'Shhh... Just let it happen?' Really?" I shouted, struggling to break free from his grip that held my arms tightly behind my back.

He wants me to get into the bathtub so he can tie me up and then slowly fill the tub with water and let me drown, then he plans to pull me out of the water before it's 'too late.' However, he could easily time this wrong or not save me early enough. And knowing these people, they aren't the most intelligent. What if he forgot about me or got carried away? I'm dead.

"Get in the stupid tub!" He yelled, trying to get all four of my limbs under control.

He had all but one of my legs held down, so I used it to kick him between his legs, sending him off of me and groaning in pain.

I ran out of the bathroom and ran out, then locked the door from the outside. I found out earlier today that most of these doors have a lock on both sides, but once one side is locked the other side becomes unusable.

He was still groaning in pain. I still have time. And since I'll be hurt if I try to leave the property, I'm going to go find that stone Caleb didn't want me to see. If he didn't want me to see it, and since it has the same symbol on it, it must be helpful. I crept into his room and threw open the underwear drawer. It was gone. I opened the next drawer, full of socks, and there it was. What an idiot.

I grabbed it and decided I really shouldn't leave through the front door if I want to get anywhere. I opened his window, which, luckily, was old fashioned enough that it had no screen. I climbed out and carefully maneuvered around until I had reached a sturdy branch of a tree growing beneath his window. I dropped down onto the branch and scrambled down the tree, exhaling when my feet touched solid ground. And then I ran, wincing as I passed the property line, but still feeling no pain. I smirked to myself and ran to the road, following it back to civilization. It won't be long until they come for me. If I want to survive I need to waste no time.

My feet were bloodied and I was gasping for air by the time I had reached the paved road, at least escaping the gravel road that led to the house. Some sort of human-run establishment has to be coming up soon. Though my feet hurt and I was exhausted, I kept running.

After what was probably an hour of running, I finally reached a gas station. But not just any gas station. It was that gas station. Yes, the one where I was tormented and captured. It was also the one Ezra and I stopped at initially after he captured me. Wonderful memories were made here.

I peered through the window of the station and saw that they were selling clothing, thankfully. Maybe the cashier would let me have some.

The parking lot had only two cars in it, so it wasn't very crowded thankfully. That eases my stress a little bit. So much so that I was confident enough to open the door and step inside, but I immediately ducked behind the clothing rack. I tried to call out to the man at the counter and explain myself, but no sound left my mouth. I was silent. God Dammit! It must be from the command the last time I was here. I vaguely remember Ben telling me that I couldn't speak while inside.

I quickly grabbed the XXL jacket off the rack and put it on. It thankfully fit like a dress on me.

I sheepishly walked up to the counter and the man at the counter asked me if I was okay. Okay? Do I look okay?

I shook my head no, and pretended to hold a pencil and write, then did the motion of zipping my mouth shut. The lightbulb above his head flickered to a dim glow, and he got out a piece of scrap paper and a pen. I wrote down sloppily:
I lost my voice, I can't talk. There are people chasing me and trying to kill me. I need protection. Call 911 and tell them to come quickly. I have no clothes, can I keep this jacket and take some pants?

Escapee (complete!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя