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The men had worked out that Nathaniel should be allowed to watch over me while they leave and take care of something. Nathaniel decided that now would be a good time to organize his grimoires, so he removed the chains that were on me and walked me to his office. I had trouble standing and moving. I was extremely bruised and sore from my beating, and could still feel sharp pains from being electrocuted.

In his library each shelf was overcrowded by book after book, and where there weren't books, there were artifacts, trinkets, and bottles.

It was just us. No one to interrupt or come take me away and abuse me, something Nathaniel was clear about when he told me that he would never do that to me.

"I still am surprised by how far you got away from here. And how brave you were. That takes bravery. And a strong desire to get away from here, which I can imagine you have. But you do realize that you can't keep doing this, right? One day Ezra will get sick of chasing you down and he'll end you right then and there. Maybe this isn't your future. What if you have so much more waiting for you in the future? You can't give up now, okay?" Nathaniel encouraged me.

"Promise me that if they ever decide to let me go you'll cast a spell on me or something that makes me forget all of this," I said confidently.

"You have my word," He promised, shuffling around books.

I thanked him and picked up the nearest spell book, flipping it open to a random page.

"Whoa," I said audibly, shocked at what I saw.

Vanquishing Spell
Mandrake Root
Sprig of Rosemary
Billings Root

Grind all ingredients save the beetletoe in a mortal and pestle until you achieve a thick paste. Add to water and bring to a boil. Throw in the beetletoe and simmer until the potion turns thick and black. This potion must be blessed by the power of three.

"What in the world did I just read?" I asked aloud, rereading it.

"A spell..." He said stupidly. "You know, what you'd expect to find in a spellbook. That is what you expected, right? Or did you think spellbooks had knitting tutorials?" He joked, laughing at me.

"Excuse me? I'm not that dumb. I assumed they had crocheting tutorials, not knitting. Duh." I laughed.

"Right, right. Of course. How could I assume such a thing as knitting?" He smiled.

"So..." I began, about to touch on an iffy subject. "Got any invisibility spells? Or teleportation? Or super human strength and immortality?" I asked eagerly.

"I can't and I won't help you escape Adriana." He said firmly.

"Why not?" I asked, upset.

"Ezra has done so much for me. This is the only place on Earth, in history, that so many supernatural beings have coexisted and lived together. Ezra makes it happen. I owe it to him. And we supernatural creatures were meant to have dominion over men- and women. This is the natural order of life, this is how the hierarchy functions. Survival of the fittest, my dear." He said frankly.

"Survival of the fittest my ass! So I have to sit here and suffer on behalf of the human race because of some sort of natural order? Why me? Why not some criminal in jail? I've never even laid a finger on anyone. Except Caleb. But he doesn't count."

"It's the way things work. Maybe you are innocent, but what Ezra wants Ezra gets. There's no getting around that fact. Now please drop this topic and put the book in the correct place, alphabetical, as always." He said calmly.

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