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"Leon isn't dead yet, so he is still controlling aspects of your mind. No matter what we do he keeps coming back to life. I think a witch is involved, so we have Nathan working to solve our predicament. You'll be forced to live the way he told you to until we fix this," Ezra explained.

"Give me back to him. At least let us stay in the same cage, please!" I begged. I miss Master.

"No. You're not thinking straight. It's not healthy for you to be near him," Ezra said stubbornly.

"I hate you," I pouted.

"I can live with that."

"Master was right. You are a bad person. Master takes care of me," I said, turning away.

"Yeah, uh, I don't care."

Jason burst through the door, gasping.

"Boss, he's back to life again. He stayed down for exactly 12 hours. He keeps coming back," Jason said, exasperated.

"Hey! You were one of the dogs at Master's house! This is your fault!" I snarled, peering through the bars of the cage.

"Dog? Really? I'm a werewolf, that was a wolf. And you're welcome," Jason said with a smirk.

"Enough you two. You're giving me a headache. Jason, make sure he's completely secure and be sure you are on Nathaniel's potion to prevent him from controlling your mind. Take extreme caution," Ezra warned.

Jason nodded and walked out quickly.

"Now, for you. What do I do with you? There are a few ways to save you from compulsion without killing Leon. I could turn you into a vampire, but then I wouldn't be able to control you. I could see if Nathaniel could reverse it somehow. I can teach you to overcome it. I really just want to kill Leon," Ezra said to himself quietly.

"Ezra, just let me go. You're spending too much time and effort on this. Send us on our way and find another little slave to make your own. Master makes me happy. He takes care of me, you won't have to anymore!" I smiled.

"You don't know what's good for you. Do you not remember how he treated you when we went to the club to kill him? How he suffocated you?" Ezra asked, dumbfounded.

I do remember. Once in a while I'll remember seeing him staring down at me as he forced me to pleasure him, suffocating me. I remember how scared he made me and how he was so degrading to me. He harassed me at the gas station today, too. But it all feels so distant now. That isn't him anymore. It can't be. I know that for certain.

"No. He doesn't hurt me like that. I do remember you hurting me like that. And your friends hurting me even worse than that," I pointed out.

"That's it. I can't talk to you right now," Ezra said, throwing his hands down in frustration. He left the room and as he was walking down the hallway I heard him shout, "Has anyone found a way to kill this prick yet?"

I waited around, as usual it seems, until I heard Ezra yell "yes!" He sounds excited. That makes one of us.

He bust into the room and said to me, "You'll be free in an hour or so!" Then slammed the door shut, locking it. I slammed against the cage, kicking it, punching it, stomping, yelling, crying. They're going to kill the one person that has cared for me.

There's 3600 seconds in an hour. I started counting. 3600 left to be with him. And I'm caged here, like an animal.

I lost track and started over. I don't care anymore. It's probably too late anyways.

All too soon, Ezra returned, looking proud.

"Nathaniel found a way. 10 minutes." He left again.




"How do you feel?" Ezra asked, concern in his voice.

"How did I let him do that to me? It didn't feel fake, Ezra. It felt so real," My voice trailed off as I shook my head, feeling nothing but embarrassment.

"What matters is that this is all over," Ezra assured me.

"Yeah. How did you guys do it?"

"Nathan is a witch, er, a sorcerer. He gets mad when you mess that up. Anyways, he found a spell to reverse a spell that was put on Leon that kept him from dying. After that, Nathan just had to use a spell to weaken Leon and I went in and staked him. It was simple. It was not so simple for you, though. You were so torn up, I've never seen something like that," Ezra said, running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry about that," I apologized sincerely.

"It's not your fault. Caleb took the punishment a little too far. He shouldn't have done that while Leon was after you," Ezra explained. "Look, I don't want this to put a damper on things around here. I just want to have fun with you. I want you to make my friends happy. They need it."

"I disagree, but I sort of see where you're coming from in a fucked up sort of way," I said, nodding.

"And that's why I'm going to make you forget this experience, and go back to business as usual. Yaknow, go back to your week of punishment and all," Ezra explained calmly.

"Ezra, don't even think about it!" I screeched, scrambling away from him. "Are you out of your mind?" I cried as he stood up. "You can't just brainwash people when things don't go your way! I promise I won't bring this up again, and I won't be annoying about it! I'll let it go and keep on hating you all as you abuse me, business as usual!"

"We both know you aren't capable of that," Ezra continued as he opened the cage door, entered, and closed it behind him.

"I don't even have negative connotations! I was happy during most of it when I was with Leon. Think about it," I begged. "Just think. The only bad part was when you guys were killing Leon. And now that I'm back to normal I'm happy about that. You don't need to do this, I need to remember everything."

He crouched down and grabbed a fistful of my hair, tilting my head upwards towards him. I clamped my eyes shut. He manually opened them with his free hand.

"Stop resisting," he ordered as my eyes were opened. I relaxed my arms but I still had a gut feeling that this was going to be bad, and felt quite a bit of fear. "Listen up. Forget about me being concerned about you today and being caring towards you today. Forget about that time at the club when Leon made you suck him off 'til you were throwing up," he said soothingly. "Forget about the pain you felt today involving Leon. Only remember the good parts of being with Leon, only remember the good in this experience."

He pulled away from me. "There. It's done. It's 8 PM, so Caleb can have you for the rest of the day to wrap up your punishment. He'll be in to get you in a few."



"You told me to only remember the good today. You're the good. I remember," I said softly. "I saw good in you today. You can try to fight it, but you can't."

"I'll see you tomorrow," He said kindly. "Scum." He smirked as he said the last part, and left the room.

Caleb entered immediately after.

"Welcome back to the real world, bitch. Where did we leave off? Oh, right. Gas station. Well, that idea's out the window, but why don't you show me what you did for those truck drivers today?" Caleb smirked, dragging me out of the cage and dragging me down the hall by my hair, ripping out chunks as I struggled to get on my feet.

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