What Are You?

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"So, have you figured out what I am yet? Obviously I'm not human. You do know that, right? We've established that by now?" He asks, breaking the silence roughly an hour into the car ride.

I gulp. Whatever I say is going to be either snarky or worse, correct. I do know that he is not human. No human has eyes like that, or can run as fast as that, or can be as convincing as that. I don't want to admit that I know he is not human because I don't want to be right. I just want to yell at him. For hurting me. For stealing me away. For killing that poor innocent woman. She probably had a family who loved her.

"Guess. Say something. Tell me about your thought process. Otherwise I'll just read your thoughts and find out on my own," he threatened.

"You don't run like a human. You're too fast. Your eyes aren't human. They're beyond human. And they do stuff. They're convincing. They force trust. You can make me do whatever you want when you look at me. You broke that woman's neck with too much ease and not a hint of remorse. And you walked away from hitting me with a car hard enough to roll without a single scratch. None of that is human. You're a killer and a thief, but besides that I know nothing about you or what you are." I said, shaking my head and trying to remain calm. And did he say he would read my mind? As in, read my actual mind?

He said nothing in response, just producing a weak smirk and watching the road.

Half an hour or so later, he pulled up to a gas station.

"I'm hungry. Follow my lead and only move when I move. You may not speak one word or even make a sound until we return to this vehicle after getting food. Understood?" He asked, staring at me.

I nodded, noticing that I could not speak, no matter how hard I tried. I wanted to weep and wallow in self-pity but alas, I had to get out of the car and follow him into the gas station.

I stuck close beside him, but as he walked towards the women's restroom I became very frightened of what he might have planned. Only the worst came to mind, and I tried to comfort myself by coming up with better scenarios. Maybe he just thinks I need to pee.

He walked into the bathroom and two women looked horrified as they saw him enter.

He told one of them to forget he was here and leave, but cornered the other woman.

I tried to shout at him to stop and I cried as I saw the fear on her face. I could only follow him. Moving around on my own was not possible. As he stood still examining and caressing her, I stood perfectly still, unable to move but watching in horror as he grabbed the woman by the neck and began to bite down on it. She screeched but soon seemed to have lost consciousness. I turned away and cried as he drained the life out of her.

"If you didn't know me before, now you do. This is me. Why don't you say that one word, now that you know. Say what I am," he ordered.

"Vampire," I stated, my voice trembling along with the rest of my body. He's a vampire. I know why he took me. He just wants to drink my blood. I'm just going to wander around with him until he finally decides to drain me and leave me for dead. He's sick. Deadly. Heartless. And it all makes sense.

"There we go, now you got it. Say it again," he ordered.

"Vampire," I said, fear in my voice.

"One more time. I just like to hear how scared you sound when you say it."

"Vampire," I cried, tears streaming down my face.

"That's right. Let's go," he said, wiping the blood from his face and throwing the woman's dead body into a bathroom stall. "And stop crying," he added, before walking out of the bathroom.

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