Business as Usual

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"Start sucking, cunt," Caleb ordered.

I fought back tears, reluctantly bobbing my head up and down on his dick as he moaned with pleasure.

"Faster. Make me come," Caleb demanded.

I pulled back and stared at him hatefully. "Don't you think I'm trying?" I shouted. That earned me a slap across the face and a hand grasping my hair and forcing me back down.

When he was on the verge of release, I decided it was time to mess with him a little bit. I stopped sucking completely and heard him groan in frustration, his legs fidgeting.

"Don't make me use you manually," he threatened, motivating me to continue until he came.

I'm so over this. I can't keep doing this anymore. I still have four more punishments to go through after this. Four more days of pain, just like today.

I cringed as he came in my mouth and after swallowing reluctantly, I pulled back and covered my face with my hands, failing to believe that this is my reality. This is life for me. It doesn't even feel real, that's how awful it is. I don't want to believe it.

"Stop blubbering. God, I can't stand when girls get so damn emotional. It makes me want to slap them to the ground and kick them until their internal anatomy is rearranged. But Ezra wouldn't like it very much if I fucked up his pet, would he?" Caleb thought aloud. "But I don't even need to touch you to hurt you. My words hurt you. You react the same to my words as you do to a swift punch in the gut. I find it hilarious."

"You disgust me," I spat.

"Shut the fuck up, cunt. Clean my room, I want it spotless. I'm going to go enjoy a meal," Caleb announced, locking his bedroom door behind him.

I slowly stood up and started by making his bed and hanging up or putting in the laundry basket the clothing splayed on the floor and furniture. I threw the countless crumpled tissues, food wrappers, and bottles into the trash can and closed his drawers, making them neater. I made a pile of the dirty dishes by the door, and organized his bedside table and his shelves and dresser, rearranging the mysterious crystals, rocks, bones, and other artifacts, displaying them in a more appealing way. When I had finished, I admired my handiwork, and decided to explore.

I started with the drawer he pulled his torture devices out of. I need to see what he could use on me so I'll be ready next time.

There were knives, toys ranging from simple to a mechanical mess from the future, gags, ropes, chains, whips, cuffs, and paddles, among other unidentifiable objects. Yeah, I may have looked in here to prepare myself, but nope. There's no amount of preparation that can prepare you for all of this. And then I opened the drawer beneath that and realized that was the weak and lesser evil. Here lay vicious-looking weapons and actual instruments of torture, the worst of the worst. The mix included blades and saws and other sharp and painful looking objects, causing my heart to sink.

The other drawers were more innocent, with clothes and books taking up much of the remaining space. But there was one object shoved into his underwear drawer that caught my attention. It was a stone that had the same design as the burnt mark on my abdomen, and the design would shimmer and dazzlingly glow when I held it, but would be dull and lifeless when I set it down. I have no clue as to what this might mean, but to me it feels like a crucial piece to the puzzle of escaping. Well, it was. Until my plans were foiled. Again.

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