Victim of Love

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For some reason I'm drained
I'm done talking; I've refrained
I'm done trying to talk it out
When I don't know what the fuss is about

I'm done trying to run
Go ahead and aim your gun
Point the barrel to my head
Just pull the trigger and I'll be dead

Dying, to me, is way better than this
Where every time you shoot; you miss
And I end up with a bullet hole
Taking a huge piece of my soul

I've had enough of your abuses
Enough of the black and blue bruises
I've had enough, I want out
There's nothing left to talk about

Of course you'll have none of that
You pull my hair and end our chat
You punch my face til it spills blood
Kick my sides til I fall with a thud

You lowly whispered "you won't leave"
Trust my words, in them believe
That I will hurt you wherever you go
I'll always find you; I'm sure you know

He left me lying in a pool of hurt
Blood soaking my white shirt
Out of breath; full of pain
My sobs drowned by the outside rain

I stayed on the floor for a while longer
The smell of blood growing stronger
Despite the pain, I packed my things
Trudging out the house as the thunder sings

I'll run away to an isolated place
Where I don't get to see your face
Hopefully stay there til I day I die
And bid this cruel world goodbye

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