Part 11 (Eternal Love)

Start from the beginning

"Hey, is Blake coming?" my cousin, Mark, asked

"No, he has a very important game so I asked him not to"


"It's okay Mark, really." I smile

"You sure he's not coming? Cause that kind of looks like him" he points behind me and when I turn around I see Blake walking towards me. I can't believe he was here, I walk to him so we could be a little away from the family.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I'm here for you"

"Blake you can't be here, your game is in an hour"

"You're more important than a game" he cups my face.

"Forget about me, this is your day, go"

"I can't. You're in mourning and I can't see you like that. I'm here for you"

"I know, I understand that. I'm not gonna think less of you for not being here. I'm the one who told you not to come. Blake get out of here before you regret it"

"I won't regret it"

"This could be your future"

"You are my future" I loved the fact that he loved me the way he did but this was bigger than us.

"Blake!" I yell "You are gonna get out of here, and you're gonna go to that game because if you don't I will never forgive myself for it... If you love me you'll go to the game"

"That's not fair"

"Please just go, and give it your best... For me?"

"I'd do anything for you" he whispers "I love you"

"I love you too"

"Are you sure you want me to go?"

"Yes, more than sure"

"All right, I'll call you"

"Okay, good luck" I smile as he walks away.

**Hours later:

I was in my room still crying from my grandmother, I really loved her a lot. I was laying in bed and someone knocked at my door and I wipe my tears.

"Yeah, come in... Blake?"

"Hey" he looked happy

"What are you doing here? I thought you were gonna call"

"I had to see you... I got offers to five colleges "

"That's great!" I smile and kiss him

"You wanna help me decide?"

"It's your choice not mine"

"I know but I can choose the one that's closest, that you can go to when you graduate" 

I shake my head "Blake forget about me. You choose whatever is best and I'll support your decision"

"I was thinking about OU"

"Okay, what do you like about it?"

"The fact that it's close"


"Not just that" he cuts me off "Taylor's there and it is a good college, it has a good team too"

"All right, and you're sure?"


"Then OU it is" I smile

"Boomer Sooner, baby!" I laugh. "I'm sorry I had to leave"

"It's okay" I assure him "Look at you, you're getting a scholarship. Imagine if you wouldn't have gone"

"I love you"

"Me too" we kiss

"You think I could stay here tonight?"

"Not unless you wanna wake up dead" I joke...


"Hey" Blake snaps me back to Earth. He walks to me and traps me between him and the kitchen counter "I still would've chosen to stay" His words brought tears to my eyes.

"And I still wouldn't have forgiven myself... I wasn't gonna be the reason for you to miss that game."

"It wouldn't have mattered... Gaia, you're the only thing I love more than basketball"

"Don't say that, you love basketball"

"I know, but I love you more. I will never forgive myslef for what I did. I mean, you've always been there for me thorugh thick and thin, and I do this to you. I'm here because of you."

"I forgave you a long time ago. You should forgive yourself for it" I cup his face. He joins his forhead with mine and gives me a romantic kiss.

"I want to marry you" he whispers


"I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours"

"I am yours... I always have been"

"So will you?"

"On one condition"


"We never talk about what happened three years ago"

"Done... you still have to say 'I do'"

"Hey, I'm already wearing the ring aren't I?" I show him the dinosaur ring he gave me all those years ago bringing a smile to his face and kissing me of happiness,

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