We stayed here for most of the day, chatting, dipping our feet in the water, just chilling out really. It was getting on for 5pm and holy shit, I was starving, as was Cole so we decided we’d go to McDonald’s on the way to the movie. We arrived ten minutes early so we got to find the best spot.

“I’ve never been to one of these drive-in cinemas before, thank you!” I told him.

“It’s fine, I’ve really enjoyed today so far. We should do it again.” He replied, taking my hand. Just as he finished the sentence the opening scene of Grease began.

The film passed fairy quickly, I heard Cole singing along to most of the songs which was really sweet. People were beginning to leave the cinema, so we waited back a little to let the traffic die down.

“Sorry about my singing.” Cole said shyly, looking at his feet.

“Cole it’s fine, I like your singing.” I replied truthfully. I caught him grinning out the corner of my eye.

We began to drive out of the cinema and we took the turning I didn’t expect us to take.

“Cole, my house is the other way.” I whispered.

“I know, I know. But who said our day was over?” he chuckled. I was curious as to where we were going, but I trusted Cole’s judgement and went with his plan. The song ‘No. 1 Party Anthem’ was playing faintly on the radio. I heard Cole humming the tune. The lack of sound was slightly uncomfortable, but I knew this wasn’t intentional.

After 15 minutes of driving, we pulled up at a quieter area of the beach, not that there were many people on the beach anyway. I stepped out of the car and followed Cole onto the sand. I must say that beaches aren’t my favourite place but never the less; Cole is capable of making anything better. We made our way further and further down the beach and the moonlight was dawning upon us. We came to a halt and Cole took my hand.

“So you know how we saw Grease?” he finally said. I nodded and smiled at him. “There’s a line in one of the songs that… well, Grace-“ he stopped and took a deep breath. “You’re the one that I want.” He sang which made me giggle. He’s such a cheesy guy but it’s cute.

“Basically, what I’m trying to say is that I really like you, you helped me get over Elise but not only that, you made me realise that there are some really amazing people out there. You are everything I’m looking for, so will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?” he asked. I felt so happiness at one moment, my heartbeat was higher than it had ever been. I opened my mouth to speak but all I could do was grin. I nodded and he pulled me in for a hug. He smelt so good and I could hear his heart racing. We stayed like this for a few minutes, Cole kissing my head a few times. I was released from his warm embrace and our eyes met just like they did earlier in the day at the lake.  He began to lean in, so I copied him until our lips finally met. I had waited so long for this moment. It was slow, sweet and quite honestly perfect. Cole rested his hand on my lower back, the other on my face. I never wanted this night to end.

I don’t know how he did it, but he did. In the space of just a few weeks, I had fallen for Cole Becker. We made our way back to the car and he drove me home. We made general conversation and everything was comfortable. When we arrived at my house, I realised our perfect day was coming to an end. I turned to look at him and he placed a kiss on my lips.

“I loved today, thank you, Cole.” I whispered.

“Me too, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow with the band and Sofia, right?” he asked. I nodded and smiled at him. I stepped out of the car and into the bitter coldness of the evening. When I entered my house I made minimal conversation wit my relatives and went up to my room. I immediately unlocked my phone and called Sofia.

“Sofia, Sofia guess what!” I squealed down the phone?

“What’s up?!” she replied.

“Cole and I, we’re dating. Oh my God I’m so happy!” I yelled excitedly. I heard Sofia chuckle and squeal as well.

“That’s amazing, I’m so happy for you! Listen, Joey wants me to play ‘Zombies’ on Black Ops 2, so tell me everything tomorrow okay?” she suggested. I agreed and we said our goodbyes. I got myself ready for bed and went through all my social media sites. When I checked twitter, I saw Cole had tweeted ‘Best day in a while! Going to sleep this happy is the best feeling ever!’ This made me grin and blush a little. There wasn’t one thing that could have been any better today. Cole made everything perfect and I sure was looking forward to what the future will bring us all.

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