Goyo, Runaway Prince

Start from the beginning

Primary: throwing stars
Secondary (if any): N/A
Special (if any): N/A

Birth Town: Grekko paradise, the lion kingdom
Mother- Siobhan, a kind loving- although headstrong -soul.
Father- Orokana, he was a foolish man who took his sweetheart for granted. He never knew what he had until he lost it.
Sister- Kairi, a girl so beautiful and headstrong that his stepmother locked up and tortured her in order to snuff out her spirit and freedom.
Stepmother- Azamuku, a temptress that attempted the take the lion throne. After Orokana's children ran away he realized her ploys and banished her.
Friends: Anna, Dianna, Rori, Rahn, ???
Romantic Life: He has never really had one. He might have kissed a girl here and there, but he has never been in a relationship before. He thinks he's too tainted with sin to be in a pure relationship full of love.

Goyo was born with a loving mother and a proud father. It was a time of confusion in the lion kingdom, but they prospered. When everything started to clear up a little, Siobhan had a second child named Kairi. She was so beautiful. Kairi was a delicate flower with a strong will. Goyo and kairi were very close. They would play games together all the time and make faces with their food when their parents weren't looking. The family was so beautifully together in everything they did. And so, the four of them lived happily ever after in a loving family...

He wished.

Siobhan was princess of the kingdom for awhile, but people thought she should be promoted in her title for how much she did for their kingdom. She deserved to be more than a princess. So at their wish she decided to have an official inauguration to become queen. However, the morning of the inauguration she was seemingly murdered. Their was knife that was stuck in her back. Kairi found her first and she was horrified. Goyo found her next and went after his father. By the time they went back her body was gone. Orokana has to be inaugurated as king in her place so somebody would rule. (Nobody was ruling the kingdom, but Siobhan refused to make herself queen for awhile because she thought she wasn't ready) He took on another wife named Azamuku. Azamuku was pure evil. She wanted the throne to herself and wanted to get rid of Goyo and kairi. She would lock kairi up in chains and make her serve the upper class at her secret dinners. She would let men touch kairi and say lewd things to her. Whenever kairi would rebel she would attempt to drown her in a bathtub. She didn't know how to get to Goyo though. Even with constant torturing and the removal of all his friends would not break him. But she finally realized what she would do.

She would kill two birds with one stone. She went to a witch and had her give her ingredients for a mind control potion. Once she made the potion she shoved it down goyo's throat and gave her the command that hurts him till this very day.

Go rape your sister. And he did it. It horrified him so much that he ran away. Kairi ran away soon after. Azamuku thought she was homefree until Orokana realized her ploys. (Thanks to the witch who told the king) He banished her from the kingdom and attempted to convince his son to come back. Goyo refused. So did kairi when asked the same. So Goyo and kairi went on their separate paths.

Eventually, after a lot of minor events that I will not disclose yet, Goyo became a teacher a Narian Academy. Then after Di leaves he becomes a part of the Narian council. In current time, he's around somewhere. In gen 3, he's taken up a job teaching at Haven academy.

Faction/Group: Narian council
Allegiances: Lion kingdom*, Narian Academy, Haven Academy

"This little kitty cat isn't planning on getting killed."
"You may not be able to see it, but I'm covered in sin."
"Have you ever stared in the mirror and seen somebody who didn't look like you? Somebody so different you wondered who they were? If so, tell me how you did it. I'm tired of seeing the same person in the mirror everyday."
"The key to winning isn't a revolution, but a well timed miracle."
"What you see isn't glory, it's greed."
"Sometimes to be the winner you have to seem like the loser."
"Everybody always talks about what they wouldn't do differently if they had a time machine. The thing is even if I went back to do something different, I wouldn't do anything. I would be too terrified."
"The secret to happiness in life being yourself. But it's hard because not everybody is pretty on the inside."

To be worthy of forgiveness
To see his sister live a happy life
To never take a step into his old kingdom again

Having to confront Azamuku
Having to confront kairi
Getting into a relationship

- He has hurt himself mentally and physically before
- He has not looked kairi in the eye for a hundred years
- He is secretly depressed, but doesn't know how to express his emotions
- All he wants to do is curl up in a ball and cry, but he's too afraid somebody might walk in so he never lets himself. He hasn't let himself EVER do that no matter how much he has wanted to.

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