Chapter 1

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Percy's POV
I ran, as fast as I can.
No, its not monsters, my life with that is done.
It's not Anna- her

Yep, fangirls since I'm even more famous than I was as a demigod hero.
I have a new life, amazing life.
All because of my half-brother, Adrien.


I was coming back from a quest from Athena to do Hercules' 12 labours to get Athena's approval of marriage with Annabeth. After 6 mouths, I finally did it.
Athena was nice enough to flash me to Thalia's tree on Camp Half-blood, I smiled at her.
"You have my approval and I know you will make her proud" she said, smiling "I'm afraid to admit I have always had a soft spot for you Percy"
I looked at her wide eyed.
"Percy? A soft spot? Is Athena finally swallowing her pride?" I said jokenly, making Athena slap me playfully on the shoulder in her 17 year-old form.
"Shut up and get her" she muttered and flashed away.
I sighed nervously as I walked into the borders, noticing some of the looks the campers gave me.
They were giving me looks of hate...
I quickly walked to the Athena cabin and knocked on the door to see Malcolm...looking pale at the sight of me.
"Hey Malcolm, where's Annabeth?" I asked.
He sighed sadly.
"She's not here but Percy, before you go when I tell's about Adrien" He said.
My eyes lighten up.
My half-brother.
He's 2 years younger than me, looking like me but with ocean blue eyes and a couple of shades lighter skin.
"How is he?" I asked excitingly.
Malcolm sighed.
"Annabeth's at the beach Percy, please don't go there" he said but I ignored him and ran to the beach.

When I got there, I hid in the trees and pulled out the black box which had the ring in it and sighed.
I heard moaning noises and noticed a black haired boy kissing the life out of a blonde-ANNABETH?!?!
"I love you Adrien" she whispered.
"I love you too Annabeth" he whispered.
I got out of the trees, trying to control my anger.
"I'm sorry to interrupt the new couple" I said coldly, making both of them widen their eyes.
"Percy, YOU!!!! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?!?!?" Annabeth screamed, about to tackle me.
"Don't you dare go near me" I said in a broken voice "I fell in Tartarus for you, I have given up immortality for you and this is how you repay me?!?!?!"
I chucked the box at her, making her gasp, tears coming out her eyes.
I turned to the pale Adrien.
"And you, I Thought having a brother would be nice but no, you backstabbed me! Be careful with her, she cheats and only uses you for fame" I snarled and ran off, not even bothering to pack anything and sprinted.

I bumped into my friend who looked at me with disgust.
"How dare you cheat on Annabeth!!!" Jason yelled, catching the attention of all the camp.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"You ran off with another girl, everyone knows about it" Rachel said "Annabeth was heart broken"
I laughed.
"Heart broken? I came back from a quest to see her cheating on me!!" I said.
"A quest wouldn't take that long" Frank said.
"True, but it's wasn't an ordinary quest; it was a personal quest given to me by Athena" I said.
"So you left us without telling us!!" Hazel said, "You could have died!"
My expression turned cold.
"Not like you would care anyway" I said coldly "Apparently to you I left for no reason which I did..."
Seconds later Annabeth came running with the box in her hand, tears streaming down her face.
"I did the 12 Labour's to get Athena's permission to marry...her" I said sourly "But in the end she backstabbed me!"
"You were the one who left!" Adrien said "I finally see that the hero of Olympus is a fake"
"Phoney" Thalia said.
"Weak" Grover said as he appeared "He was always weakl
"Coward" Jason snarled.
"I am all of those things but a coward!!" I said "I have done what no ordinary demigod has done; been in two wars as well as to great prophecies, defeated giants, gone through hell and done the 12 labours quicker. I know I have caused deaths from being born and my innocence; Bianca, Zoe, Luke, Selina, Chris, Charlise...all because of me!! You might think I'm a hero and I'm perfect but I'm not!! I'm weak and fake but at lest I run to fights headfirst without thinking to save the people I love who turn out to betray me...I hope you have a nice life without me because you can run front the truth but you can't hide for too long because karma has no deadline!"
And I sprinted out to see the shocked faces and three faces longing at me with sadness.

Now I am a rockstar (A Percy Jackson Story)Where stories live. Discover now