Nerds and Names Aren't So Bad

Start from the beginning

"I-it's Deku!"

"M-Midoriya! Wasn't it like an insult?!" Iida asks sternly.

"It can't be helped!" He covers his face with his hands.

I stand there with a rather puzzled expression.

I've never really had friends.

But, this isn't so bad.

In fact, I kind of like it.

"I am...Coming through the door like a normal person!"

As soon as I look up, words are being spilled everywhere.

Guess having the number one hero is pretty big deal, huh?

All Might is someone we all strive to be, kids and adults.

I just wish I was a bit more courageous, for my mother's sake, my brother's, my own...

"...And this, is what we are focusing on today!"

"" I say lightly.

"And with these!"
He presses a button, suitcases pop out of some slits on the wall.

Is that our entrance exam number ranks..?

"Costumes made based on your Quirk Registration, plus requests you put in before school!"

"After you change, meet at Ground Beta!" All Might's loud voice hangs in the air.

"Yes, sir!" The class cheers.

Oh, boy. Changing is a joy.

When I was in the 'creative process' of thoroughly thinking and drawing my costume, I swear, my mind totally blanked.

I didn't have anything in particular that I really wanted or liked.

So what was I to do?

It is recommended to have your costume aid you when using your quirk, but what else can help me? My quirk is rather straightforward, so using certain fabrics would be wasted on me.

But, you know, having a mom with great ideas and a brother with an imagination that runs wild, they'll help you with what you cannot come up with.

So, I ended up with a black qipao dress, white leggings, and red gloves, due to my mother. And with a giant, metal fan to use in conjunction with my quirk, thanks to Haru.

As I awkwardly unbutton my blouse, I try to keep to myself as much as possible---random bruises and scars call attention.

I slip on the dress, then put on the white leggings. I pull on the gloves before my shoes. Once I'm done with that, I tale ahold of the metal fan, which, surprisingly, isn't as heavy as I thought it'd be.

There's a bright red sash I can use to keep it on my back, as opposed to just holding it, which would be weary over time.

I free the strands of longer hair from the collar, and afterwards wait for everyone else who I didn't know at the time.

"Ah! [Last Name]! You're costume looks so cool!" Uraraka exclaims while I rub my arm shyly.

"Really? I think it just hugs you a little bit.." I trail off.

"Me, too. I wish I'd put something in for the slot.." She laughs lightly.

I walk ahead, some ahead, others behind.

What the heck is training with All Might going to look like if Mr. Aizawa's was rather.. Scary and unexpected?

"They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. Be fully aware! Because from now are now heroes!" All Might's loud yet strong and confident voice booms.

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