Chapter 5 The Unthinkable Derek's POV

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As I layed in hospital bed staring at ceiling I couldn't help but think of Anna, and what Dana was doing to her.  I knew Dana and I knew the reputation he had with his girls. I also knew Anna would want to do anything with him, she wasn't like that.

"Derek nobody was at the house." Will said as he walked into the room

"Seriously? I don't know where else he would have taken her."

"It's okay just try and remember any places he told you about or you went with him. I come back up in about an hour."


Will left the room and 3 people came back in the room Melissa, a cop, and a woman I had never seen before.

"Derek, this is Mrs.Williams, shes going to be your case worker." Melissa said quietly 

"My case?" I questioned

"Yes Derek , your case, considering you've had been seen using and selling we have to make a plan for you to one get over this addiction and two to stop you from getting back into negative behaviors" Mrs.Williams answered

"So what are suggesting?" Melissa asked 

"I think 2 weeks at the Area substance Abuse Council would help with the addiction part and then for the rest of the summer I think he needs to go to Wood-Berry in Davenport."

"WOOD-BERRY? Really, but that's for rapists and pedophiles!" I was in shock

"Yes, but it is also for teen drug dealers." Melissa added

"What about Anna? What going to happen if we can't find her? And what about Dana doesn't he get any punishment for this?"

"Yes Derek, but his punishment will involve a court room and you may have to testify." The police officer reassured 

"You'll leave for Wood-Berry when you're done at ASCA, Derek I'm sorry it has to be this way but it will help you. I Promise" Mrs.Williams said as all three of them walked out

Everything was rushing through my head, I couldn't think straight. I wanted to cry I had to leave Anna and Dana may me a asshole but he was still one of my friends. He did kidnap Anna and he got me into this it was all his fault. I HATED Dana I wanted him dead. I traced through everyt single memory I had with him, it was getting harder and harder to remember these things. Then is hit me, Paris, Paris Bridge was where Dana has first taken me, and he had told this was his number hide out. He had to be there it was a small abandonded house but it was someone that no one would think to look. I called Will immediatly and told him about the small house, I could see Will's car oull out of the drive way and go towards the police station to get some back and make plan. I may be leaving in a few weeks but I wasn't leaving until Anna knew the truth.

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