Chapter 2 Anna's POV Take My Breath Away

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Derek had dropped me off and told me that he'd pick me up around 6:00 its was only 4:30. I walked into the house with Carrie practicing again. I didn't blame her, if I had that kind of talent I'd be practicing too. I went into my room and started to think to myself about how if this was a good idea or not, going with Derek. I could already tell that I had pissed him off and I wasn't going to dig myself a deeper hole by telling him I changed my mind. I just couldn't let him do this alone, I knew how hard it was to get out of the circle was, and I wasn't dumb. I knew who Dana was and Derek knew it too, Dana had been in our class until 10th grade when he got kicked out and his parents never cared enough to get him back into school. Dana had also been mine and Derek's best friend but in Jr. High he changed and got into the wrong crowd, started smoking weed, and who knows what else, but Dana could've amounted to more but he just gave up. One thing was for sure though, I wasn't under any circumstances going to let Dana pull Derek down that same road. I loved Derek and even if he didn't feel the same way I would still love him as my best friend. I had the sudden urge to tell Derek or at least someone because I needed at least one person's opinion before I told Derek how I felt.

 As I debated who I should call or talk to many people came into my mind. The first person was Carrie, but I knew I couldn't tell her because 1. She would freak out and go on a whole I told you so rant and 2. She needed to focus on her music at least for the moment. The next was Will, my brother, but I couldn't tell either, 1. I would have to explain the whole story because that's the relationship we have and I don't need my brother to arrest my crush for possession of weed, and 2. we were close but not that close. I couldn't tell Brandi, Will's girlfriend, because she would tell him, I couldn't tell Melissa because she has as it is anyways and I didn't need my big mouth to get Derek in trouble. I couldn't tell Meredith, one of my best friend, because she never liked Derek anyways and would just say I was insane and needed a doctor. Then I heard my phone start to ring with a song I hadn't heard in years, it was Love Bug by the Jonas Brothers and that could only mean that it was Jodi. Jodi was my other half and had been my best friend since I could remember and had been our neighbor from kindergarten to 3rd grade, but when she moved away she transferred schools too, but she knew everything that had been going on and was one of Derek's best friends as well.

"Oh my god you called at the perfect time." I answered the phone with

"Oh Well I'm great how are you?" Jodi said sarcastically 

"Okay you know I love you, but we have an issue."

"I'll say, I saw you and Derek at the movies, YOU HAD A DATE WITH HIM AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!" 

"First off I don't think it was an actual date and second off, I think I may kinda sorta like him."


"I know, I know everyone told me but today we held hands and we cuddled and it was just perfect and it felt real, that sounds really cheesy but it felt like there was actually something there."

"Anna that doesn't sound cheesy at all, it sounds like you're in love."

I finished the rest of what happened and what I had found out, Jodi already knew that Derek was using and wasn't happy about it but she was in the same boat that I was in. After I finished telling her my plan she wished me luck and told me to be careful, we said our goodbyes and I told her I'd tell her more about it at the bonfire. After I hung up I had gotten a text from Derek asking if I was reading yet, I replied with yes and that I wanted to get this over with. I threw on my black leather jacket, looked out my window and waited till I saw the head lights of Derek's car. I walked outside and go in to his car.

"You ready?"  He asked after I put my seat belt on

"Yeah, are you?" I asked

"Yeah but this isn't my first time doing this."

"Derek, I know this isn't necessarily exactly how you wanted to get out of this, and maybe you don't even want out of this, but I know what you are capable of and I know its more than this."

"Anna, I'm not mad that you're making me stop doing this, I'm mad because you wanted to come along and I'm scared of what Dana is going to say and or do to you. Dana isn't a nice guy, and I never planned to start dealing it just happened without me realizing it.  I regret it everyday and it hurts me that I disappointed everyone not just just you and your family and not just my sister and brother, but it hurts that my mom and dad are watching over me and they can't tell me what to do Anna! I can't get any advice from them, if they were still here we wouldn't be in this situation!"

I had never seen Derek get so mad, I could tell that he had smoked some before  he left the house, I could smell it.  I would never tell him espeacially after what he had just told me. I couldn't think of anything else to say so I just let my mind wander into the silenceness between us but I let the sound of Breaking Benjamin follow along. I thought about all things Derek and I had done together, all the things we knew about eachother, and all the things I thought about him the he would probably never know unless I told him. I wanted to tell him I needed to tell him and suddenly with no controll over my mouth what so ever it came out.

"Derek, I love you." After I had said this I couldn't believe what had just come out of my mouth

"What was that?" He asked thankfully he was too zoned into driving and listening to the music

"Nothing, it was nothing but um how much longer till we get there?" I asked as unawkwardly as possible

"About another 15 minutes." 

I felt I should appolgize for everything, I saw us coming to a stop sign and about 100 ft. away and I thought its be a good time for us to kind of talk.

"Derek, I'm sorry about everything, but I just get so worried about you and its hard for me to see you like this." I was cut off mid-sentence as we stopped

I was cut off my Derek's lips touching mine, something I never thought would happen in a million years!  At first I was shocked but I gave in and kissed him long and good the same he did to me. I had never felt anything like it before it felt like fireworks going off one by one with every second of him touching me. I just kept thinking can't-eat, can't-sleep, reach-for-the-stars, over-the-fence, World Series, a line from my favorite movie growning up, It Takes Two. Which I had made Derek watch with me atleast a hundred times. He lend away from me and started to drive again, it was silent and I wasn't sure if I liked it or I loved it but I couldn't stop tracing my lips over and over again. Derek kissing me made me want him even more than I did before and maybe everyone was right, maybe Derek and I did need eachother more than we thought we did, and maybe we needed to be together not just as friend.

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