Episode 33.

416 16 2

Zayne's pov.

I was driving near harry's house when i saw him and our son going out,, 

I followed them and i saw them entering the coastal beach,

I called niall immediately to come so that we can go to the beach,,,,

We arrived at the beach and niall laughed when he saw harry and our son,,

Zayne i understand now,,,do you want to make harry jelously???

Yea niall but i dont know how,,,

Let me help you but promise me that you will helo me win your friend's heart liam??

Sure niall no problem,,,

Carry we bridal style and smile like you never smile,,,,i know he will feel jelously,,,

After i carried niall,,,i saw harry was sad,angry ,jelously,, 

I saw him walking away,,,am sure now he loves he,,,

I will fight for you my harry,,,i know you love me,,,you cant deny it,,,

I called jb for help,,,

Jb can you take evad and i will lie to harry i have him if he wants to find our son???

Sure zee,,,i will do it because i know my friend loves you,,,and i dont want him to go far away from my house,,,

I called harry,,,

Our son is with me and if you want to find him ,,come to our company am their with our son in my old office,,,

I heard him panicking,,,

I heard a knock on the door,,

Come in,,,

Where is my son zayne???

He is not here,,,

You devil where did you take my son i will kill you if anything bad happen to him,,

Relax  harry,, nothing will happen to him since he is with jb if you want to confirm,,

He called and confirmed,,,

He was about to go when i pulled him to my waist and closed the door,,,

You  will not go anywhere baby,,,,

Stop calling me that you shameful man,,

Oooh now am shameful??

Yes zee,,dont you see you are going to marry,,

I know harry

Let me go

No harry not this time and not forever,,,


Shhhh harry i know you felt jelously  when you saw me with niall,,,

Dont deny it harry,,,

I know you love me so much as much as i love you,,, 

No i dont love you zee

Dont deny it harry

Leave me alone ,,,,,

No harry

I carelessed his face and kissed him,,,

I know you want me to kiss you stop denying harry,,,

Stop it zee,you know what,,

Yes i love you,,i want to feel you again but i cant allow you to cheat on niall with me,,,i will not be your secrets,,,

Finally harry you admitted you love me,,,,

The truth is that niall only helped me to make you jelously and i want to tell you that,,,i fucking love you so much harry and our son,, am happy right now since i know you love me,,,

Harry then atracked my lips hungry, 

You dont know how much your love affected me zee,,,i couldnt stop my self from feeling jelously,,,

No need to be baby niall loves liam and now me and you love each other so much no need to feel sad.

Zayne make love to me right now,,,,i want to feel your big dick inside of me right here in our old office,,

You asked for it bby,,i will go rough

Like i mind zee


Love Hurts So Much.(mpreg Zarry)Where stories live. Discover now