Episode 2.

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Harry's pov

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Harry's pov.

I was washing untensils waiting for my dad to bring supper but he didnt come,,,

It suprised me ,,,since he comes home take dinner before he goes to his girlfriend's house,,,,

I prepared rice and strong tea,,,

It was ten p.m my dad did not come,,,,i went back to sleep since my dad has not arrived,,,

It was in the morning i wake up and dad was not home still,  i really got worried about him ,,

Even if he hates me so much,,,

I prepared breakfast   and i heae a bell ringing,,,i went to open fast if its my dad,,,

I was so shocked when i opened the door,,,their were five men with big boydy and have scary faces,,,

What do  you want all i asked them,,,

You will come with us our boss will tell you what he want since he knows where your father is,,,

I got panicked if something bad happened to my father,,,i put the gas off and closed the house,,,

I got inside expensive car and they drove me off to a very big mansion,,,,

We arrived and the men escortted me inside the big house,,,,

When i look to see the boss is one. Of the trillionnaire none other than mr malik,,,,

What do he want from me,,,i asked my self mentally,,,,

Hi sir,,,,i bowed down and he didnt respond to my greetings at all.

What a waste of bowing to him i said in my head,,,

I know you are wondering why i qant you here,,,,but kid let me tell you,,,

Your dad is a thief and stole my five million from the company and disappear ,,,so i dont give a fuck to low people like him or you,,,

You will get married to my son and work at my company until our debt are paid then you will be free ,,,

If you dont accept i will send you to jail and make sure you rot their for your dad's mistake,,,,

No no sir ,,,i accept to be a slave until my dad's debt is over and i accept the marriage,,,

I replied while my eyes threathened tears almost falling in my cheeks,,,

Good think you accept the deal low life kid,,,and do as my son say if you dont want to go to jail,,,,

Yes sir dont worry,,,

Go with my bodyguards and bring only two clothes no more than that and one pair of shoes,,,,course you will be wearing uniforms in the company,,,,

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