Episode 17.

380 18 0

Zayne's pov.

I called mr kyle the private investigator to tell me if he found out about the little boy's parents,,,

Sir i have the pictures have captured you will see then you will tell me if you know the person i captured,,,,

No this cant be true,,,,am just imagning things,,,

Harry and his son???

My son i had with harry,,,,

I need to make it right,,

Mr kyle do you know where they stay???

Yes B46

Thank you,,,,

I went quickly and drove to where harry stays,,,

I ringed the bell but no one opened,,,,

Then i heard some noises coming from the house,,,

Mommy catch me if you can,   if you catch me i will kiss you ,,,

You are naughty son,,,

Ooh mother come on ,,,lets play ,,,and you know  you will be always my hero,,,

Awww son,,,,

Now lets play,,,

I came into my senses,,,,

Harry is playing with our son,,,

I ringed again then the door opened and it revealed harry,,,

Hi harry,,, i greeted him,,,,

What do you want mr zayne malik???

Harry please can i talk to you???for two minutes ???

No zayne malik i dont have time to waste,,,,,

Please harry,,,,

I said no and i really mean no .

He closed the door infront of my eyes,,,

Harry please open the door,  

He didnt open the door and i left,,,,

Dad,mum,,, i think the child is mine since harry was kind of scared when he show me,, 

Really son,,my  dad asked me,,,

Yes dad,,,,

We need to found if its true ,, we will fight for the custody of my grand son,,, my dad said.

Yes dad i agree with you,,  if harry doesnt want to corporate with us i will take my son away from him,,  

Today was another day i was going to talk to harry wether he likes it or not,,,

I arrived and harry opened the door,  

He wanted to close the door but i hold it,,,

I know i have a son with you harry,, 

Will you deny???

Yes zayne malik,,

Am sorry harry for eberything i did ,, please forgive me and lets start our family together with our son.  

Leave before i throw you out,,  mr zayne malik,,

No harry if you want the hard way i will ask the custody of my son and i will make sure you wont see him.

You cant do that to me,,   how evil of you ,,,   i cant let you separate me from my son,,,,the same son you denied five years ago,, 

I have warn you harry prepare to meet in court,,,

Lets meet in court mr zayne malik i dont fear rich people,,,,and i hate you so much,,,, i hate you zayne malik,,,,

I went from harry's house and drove to my house directly,, 

I have to win the custody of my son even if i have to do corruption,   i cant let my self
To loose my son,,  its better to win the custody,, .

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