Episode 12.

398 20 1

Mr styles's pov.

I love money than anything else in this world ,,,

I can do anything for money,,,

I was relaxing on hotel when i got unknown call,,,

Who is this,,,

Its niall,,,can you do me a favour and come to the police station i was arrested,,,,

Will you give me money kid if i come???

Of course am giving you work to do for me,,,

Am coming right away,,,,

I arrived at the police station,,,,

What can i do for you kid???

I want you to go and give this guy's address the photo of harry and zayne,,,,

Then tell him to edit the video so that they look exactly like them and tell him to put the video voice saying harry slept with the guy and he knows the child he is expecting is not zayne.  He only want to take away all property,,

Wow you really are so clevee niall,,,,i can do anything ,,,,but remember it will cost you alot of money,,,

I know styles,,,go to my house and you will find the money in my room in my clothes,,,,

Okay niall next when i come here to visit you,,,,i will give you good news of harry got separated with zayne,,,,

I arrived at niall's house and found the money,,,i kissed them and went direct to dj to do the work,,

He finished the video,,, and it really looked like harry cheated on zayne,, 

I put the evidence in a small bag and i gave the small guy who already gave the evidence to mr malik who i saw him received it,,

Mr malik's pov.

I was standing outside my house when a small kid run to me and give me a bag,,, and the kid run away,,,

I went direct to my room to see what it is,,,

What harry cheated on my son???the baby he is expecting is not his????

I cant believe it ,,,,i got angry,,,

I called zayne and he came and see the video,,,

Zayne's pov.

I was cuddling with harry in bed when i heard my father shouting my name,,,

I told harry to relax in bed,,,i will go and check,, what has happenned with dad,,,

Dad what is it you are shouting loud,,

Look this zayne,,

No,no no,,,

This cant be true,, 

It is true zayne,,,he lied to us,, he cheated on you,,,he is not expecting your child but another man's child,,  he wants only money like his dad,,

Tears were falling down my cheeks continuously,, 

Why did he do this to me,, 

I told the servants to call harry,, 

Harry come downstaires,,,

What happen zee???

I went near him and slapped infront of all our servants,,,

how dare you pretend the baby you are expecting is mine when you cheated on me,,,,

How much money do you want harry????to do that low act,,,,

Zee i didnt cheat on you,, 

You liar stop pretending look at this,,,and tell me if its a liar,,,

I swear in our unborn child i never cheat on you zee,,,,

You are a slut harry,, you took advantage of my kindness and love,,,

I hate you harry styles

I hate you so much,,,

Dont say that zayne am innocent please,,,

Dont talk while am talking,,,,,

Servants go and back his things even the clothes we buyed for him,,

Bring down here ,,,,

You will leave my house now ,,,,you are free to meet your baby's father okay,,,

Am innocent zee,,you have to believe me,,,,

You liar dont alter any lie word from your mouth,,,,,  

The servants bring the luggages of harry and i   told him,,,

Now leave and dont ever come back here again because i wont let you,,,,

And oooh you can go to your child's fathers's house,,,i hope you will be happy with him,,,

Am innocent zee believe me please,,,

I grabled harry's hand and luggages and throw him out of our gate,,,,

He cryed and begged me but i didnt fall for his lie,,,,

Harry go away dont ever show your face again or i will kill you,,,,

I was in our room crying,,,,

Why did he took advantage of my love,,,,

Why harry,,  i was shouting

If he loved the father of his child why did he told me he loves me,,,

I hate you harry styles and i love you,,  ,

Love Hurts So Much.(mpreg Zarry)Where stories live. Discover now