Mountain Men | Stilinski Twins AU

Start from the beginning

"Oh your my most favorite brother in the world!"

"You dick! I just packed all this crap!"

I was about to strangle him when my most favorite person in the world wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest.

"It's ok Babe. You go ahead and get the Jeep and I'll help Stuart with the bags."

I gave Derek a big smile before kissing him and grabbing the chips from Stuart. I glared at Stuart when he tried to protest and just walked into the driver's seat.

By the time they were done I had already finished eating the whole bag. I have Stuart a cheeky smile when he saw the empty bag.

"Ok babe. We're all finished. Now, are you sure you can drive all the way there?"

"I'm fine, Stuart is going drive the last half of the drive so we'll be good."

"Fine. But I'm gonna have Liam and the girls drive behind you guys."

I rolled my eyes at my overprotective mate. He always worries about me. Even when I'm with him.

"It's fine Der."

I kissed him one last time before rolling up the window. Derek frowned before walking to his camero. I could clearly see Jackson and Scott fighting in Derek's car as the guys tried to stop them. The girl are in Lydia's car arguing over the radio and the twins are gonna drive with us whenever they get here. Apparently, the pack wanted all the twins to be together.

"When will they get here?" Asked Stuart.

"I don't know. Oh look there they are." We both laughed when we saw Ethan and Aiden stumbling out of the woods with their bags.

"Shut up." Snipped Aiden.

We just chuckled as we waited for Derek to start driving. He's going to lead the way since no one but him and Cora know how to get there. Then Erica and Boyd will follow them and then it will be me the guys, after that, it will be Liam and the girls.

"Hurry Stiles! Derek is pulling out and you haven't even started the car."

"Shut Stuart. You will not be a back seat driver today. If you even try to manage my driving I will throw you back there with Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb."


I laughed as I pulled out of my driveway. I laughed every once and while when Stuart would start insulting Ethan or Aiden. I don't know why the pack decided on them driving with us. They should have known we would all fight. Don't they know brothers fight!

We barely got halfway to the cabin before Ethan literally threw Aiden out of the car. The whole pack had to stop so we could get Aiden back in my car. Then not 45 minutes after, Stuart started to be the pest he is and I ended up slamming on the brakes making him fly forward and hit his head on the console.

"It's not my fault you don't wear a seat belt, Stu!" I yelled at him on the side of the road.

Derek claimed that we needed to calm down before we started driving again.

"You fucking Dick Stiles! I think I have a concussion!" He tried to swing at me but I dodged it and launched at him making us fall to the floor.

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