New Kid | Sterek

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Ship: Stiles and Derek

Fluff: Yeah, a little

Smutt: No

Prompt: Theres a new kid and Stiles is very interested in getting to know him. Derek Hale seems to think the same thing.

There's a new kid at Beacon Hills. I know that, because all I've heard today is..

"Have you seen him yet?"

"He's so hot?"

"He's definitely a bad boy."

"He looks so good in leather!"

"Do you think he's straight?"

Ever sense I got here that's what I've heard. One of my bests friends, Lydia, won't shut up about him. Apparently he's gonna be in our first block. Yay another douche to add to the list.

Maybe they're right and he is hot. Then I can see if he's gay so I can fuck him. I don't really do relationships. My last boyfriend (Theo) cheated on me so now I just sleep around. Lydia and Scott try and get me to stop but so far their efforts aren't working.


I turn around to see my red head friend now.

"Hey Lyds."

"Have you seen him yet?"

I roll my eyes.


"Well I saw him this morning and he looked like a bad boy. Aiden got mad because apparently I was looking to long.. I don't know but yah Aiden hates him."

"Good for Aiden now let's stop talking about the new kid and head to class."

We walked in together and sat at our seats. I sit alone while Lydia and Scott sit behind me. I turned around to talk to them for a while until I heard Mr. Harris walk in. He looked at all of us and when he got to me he glared.

Great I thought.

"Stiles, I see your on time today. It's about time."

I was about to make a comeback when the door was slammed open. A really hot guy with black hair, green eyes and a leather jacket walked in.

I guess thats the new student.

"Ah, Mr. Hale, it lovely to see you graced us with your presence," Harris said sarcastically. "You have lunch detention for being late. Go sit with the other insolent child."

Hale raises his eyebrows at him so I raised my hand.

"I'd be the insolent child."

He smirked at me and went to sit down.

"Is he always this much of in ass?" Asked the new kid.

"Yah, you get used to it."

"Stilinski! Hale! Mind sharing with the class as to what you were talking about?"

"Nah, we're good," I replied.

I laughed at Harris' face

"You better show me more respect Stilinski, that's lunch detention for you too."

I rolled my eyes.

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