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Chapter 2-Amnesia

Erin’s point of view

I’m flabbergasted…or as the English would say gobsmacked. Like legit. My eyes are wide and my mouth was hanging open, all I could do was stare at his face, his face that seemed to be carved by angels. 

"I'm glad you're finally awake," he says, looking back at me with those perfect green eyes and again, my breath comes out short and my heart is racing like mad. I can even hear the machine respond, the beeping coming in a faster pace. And then a nurse storms in.

“What’s happened?” she asks and my eyes are forced to tear away from Harry’s as I look at the nurse.

“Samuels! You’re awake! Dear lord, Samuels we were worried shit!” Emma says rushing to me.

“Hi…,” I say and my voice comes out scratchy and hoarse. I clear my throat. “I’m thirsty.”

“Here you go, sweetie,” the kind nurse says, handing me a glass and I raise my other hand, the one that Harry wasn’t holding but I gasp seeing it wrapped in a bandage.

“Don’t be alarmed! It’s not broken or anything. You just twisted it when you fell,” Rien assures me quickly and I feel Harry’s hand slip out of mine so I reach for the cup and gulp down its content. I was deliberately trying to ignore Harry’s presence.

“How do you feel, Erin? Does your head hurt? Try and calm that heart of yours, sweetie,” the nurse says in a gentle voice, checking my heart beat and what not. I feel kind of weird that she called me Erin. I wasn’t used to hearing it ‘Erin’ alone except from my mother and step-dad. Like I said, ‘Erin’ was linked to something else, making a mean nickname in school.

“I just…can someone explain to me what happened?” I ask and then look at Harry. He gives me a small smile and it’s only now I realize he’s got a bandage around his head. I quickly look away again. I had no idea why he was with me at all and what was up with his head.

Just then Paul Higgins enters the room and I go into another round of shock.

“Hi Paul…um...could you lead Harry out for a sec? We need to explain what happened to Samuels. I think we should give her space…without Harry,” I hear Rien whisper to him and I squint my eyes at them. Were they at some alliance or something? What gives? They were WHISPERING. Last time I checked Paul was as unreachable to us as the boys were. And now Harry was sitting beside my bed and Paul in my…hospital room.

Paul nods, smiles at me and goes over to Harry. “Let’s go, Harry.”

Harry looks at me as if for assurance. He looks so confused and I mean, what on earth was I supposed to say? I was confused as shit as well. So instead I remain silent and stare confusedly at him back.

“Go on Harry. We just have to tell Erin something,” the nurse says to him and he finally nods and leaves with Paul. There was something strange about Harry, like the way he moved, his whole…’aura’ if you could say. The confidence and cockiness he usually had was gone. He just seemed so…lost.

“Tell me,” I urge as soon as the two have left and I’m left with Emma, Rien, and the nurse.

“Okay, so we were at the signing which happened two days ago by the way. And you started hyperventilating and stuff. Then Liam came over to you and then you went to full shock mode and then Harry stood up to check what was going on. Then you fainted and Harry caught you but then he got off balance by the impact and well…the two of you fell off the stage,” Rien explains. Okay that part I remember.

“The fall wasn’t so simple. You both were like, rolling down the steps and Harry had his arms around you the whole time so you didn’t receive the bulk of the damage-which I would totally fangirl over if it weren’t dangerous-and then the both of you hit the ground and I think it was Harry’s foot or yours, I’m not sure tugged a wire of an amplifier quite hard and then it came down on you. Harry was on top so…yeah, it hit him,” Emma further elucidates for me and my eyes are wide. My hand goes up to cover my mouth in horror.

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