Pref #5-Monsters by Timeflies feat. Katie Sky (songfic) (his P.O.V.)

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Pref #5-Monsters by Timeflies feat. Katie Sky (songfic) (his P.O.V.)


"And I know it can't get worse than today, sitting here and she's trying to rehearse what to say. See, she's in the bathroom and hoping I'm not in earshot, while she's getting used to the sound of her teardrops."

I knew it had been coming. I came home today to see the sight I had been dreading since me and Y/N went public with out relationship: the girl I love sobbing, sitting on the couch, curled up in a ball. I was hesitant to make our relationship public; I had known she would get hate. For the first few days, it had seemed she was able to handle it. Unfortunately, that didn't last. She couldn't ignore it.

"Y/N..." she finally noticed I was home when I said her name. She looked at me for a minute and then ran and locked herself in the bathroom before I was able to catch up to her.

I sat down outside the door in silence for a while. I knew she would be sitting on the other side, hoping I wasn't in earshot, getting used to her own tears and the pain she was feeling.

I finally spoke up, "Y/N, please open the door." After waiting about two minutes, the door swung open and threw her arms around me, burying her head in my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her trembling body.

I held her for a while, slightly rocking back and forth, before I said something. "Shhhh, please stop crying. I hate seeing you upset."

I took a step back and tilted her head up before I finished, "None of it's true, please believe me. You're perfect to me. Anyone who insults you doesn't know you as well as I do. Please don't listen to any of them okay? I love you."

She replied, her voice barely a whisper, "Th-thank you Ash. I-I love you too." Then she hugged me again, even tighter. We stood like that for a while, as I whispered sweet nothings in her ear, until I finally saw her beautiful smile again.


"I want nobody else, but it's hard to get to know me when I don't know myself."

The girl sitting in front of me was perfect. Even crying, she was flawless... Y/N and I had just gotten into a fight. She had started getting angry at me for not opening up and not committing to a relationship with her, and it soon turned into a full on shouting match. Now she's sitting on the couch in front of me, head in her hands, crying her eyes out. I was standing up pacing the room. I hated this-seeing her cry. Knowing I upset her kills me.

See, the reason she was upset is because we have been hanging out for nearly two months. We were basically a couple but I was having a hard time committing to a relationship. She has been through bad relationships in the past, so she didn't want to wait around just to get hurt again. It's not that I didn't like her, she was perfect. I'm scared she would leave me, once she got to know me better.

"Y/N please stop crying," I said quietly. She looked up, her face red with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Michael, do you even like me? If you don't, just tell me and I'll leave. I need to know where I stand," she asked.

Still pacing, I sighed. Then I replied, "Yes Y/N, I like you. I like you so much it scares me. I'm just afraid of losing you. I don't want anybody else Y/N, please know that. I just-I'm hard to get to know. I barely know myself. I'm afraid that when I figure it out, you won't be here anymore. That's what worries me. I do like you-a lot. I'm sorry I put you through this but I do like you," I paused for a minute, thinking and eventually decided I am ready to commit, "so will you please be mine?"

"Yes," she replied then got up and hugged me. As I hugged her back she added, "You're an idiot, you know that? It would be really hard to make me not like you, no matter what happens."

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