Pref #1-Oath by Cher Lloyd (Songfic) (Cake)

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Pref #1-Oath by Cher Lloyd (Songfic) (Cake)

"And don't forget all the trouble we got into, we got something you can't undo-do."

You and Calum have been dating for almost a year, and you were best friends long before that. Whenever you went on tour with Cal, you two were known as the troublemakers. You pulled pranks on the boys, snuck out of hotels, ran around backstage, got kicked out of restaurants, and caused other trouble, and you almost always managed to get caught. If things were loud or hectic, everyone immediately knew you and Calum were the source of the chaos. And being as inseparable as you were, if one of you got caught, it was easy to tell that the other was involved too. You two were practically attached at the hip. Though your antics caused irritation, you never failed to earn many laughs as well. You two were a handful, but everyone thought you were the cutest couple they'd ever come across.

"And if you get low, just call me whenever. This is my oath to you."

Being Luke's girlfriend, you constantly got hate. Most fans loved you and were nothing but kind, but the hate always stood out more than the sweet comments. You had always been slightly insecure, and it got worse everytime you got hate. Occasionally, you couldn't help yourself from reading all the tweets to you. With all the negativity starting to consume your mind, you usually ended up crying and feeling worthless. You would call Luke, and the second he heard you crying, he instantly knew what was wrong.

He would say "I'll be there in five."

Like he had said, five minutes later you heard a knock at the door and went to let him in. He would wrap his arms around you, burying his face in your hair and let you cry into his chest.

After a while, when your sobbing had reduced to occasional sniffles, he would quietly ask "What happened, baby?"

You would then pour your heart out to him, sharing all your insecurities, letting everything out until you felt better. When you were finished, he would put a movie in but turned the volume down, knowing you would be busy talking during most of it. You would cuddle on the couch, his arms around you, and he would list all the things he loved about you until he saw a smile on your face.

You would hug him and lay on his chest and mumble, "I love you Luke, thank you."

He replied, "You're welcome beautiful. Remember, whenever you get upset, just call me okay? I love you too baby."

Hey guys! So this is my first preference ever. Votes, comments, and especially feedback would be appreciated. Hope you liked it, I'll update later.
-Emmy xx

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