Pref #17-Your Quirk

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Pref #17-Your Quirk


Your quirk was your sense of fashion. You had a unique sense of style and every where you went, you would get asked where you got your outfit. The fans thought you wore the cutest clothes. You also ran a tumblr centered around fashion, where you documented all the clothes and makeup you bought.


Your quirk was your love for books. Name a title, and you've read it. The fans loved that they could fangirl with you over their favorite books. You always had your nose buried in a book, whether you were at home, at a coffeeshop, or at one of the boys' meet and greets, which you often went to.


Your quirk was your spontaneity. You were a perfect match for Calum. You were always up for a random date night or midnight runs to Panda Express and he loved that about you. You saw every event in life as an adventure, just like he did.


Your quirk was your personality. You were the most selfless person Luke had ever met. You always did random acts of kindness and you cared so much about other people that sometimes you forgot to look out for yourself. You also looked out for the fans, making sure they were okay and often helping them meet the boys, which they highly appreciated.

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