Pref #13-It's Your Birthday (5SOS+Harry Styles)

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Pref #13-It's Your Birthday (5SOS+Harry Styles)


"Oh Y/N! Wake up, wake up, wake up," your boyfriend, Ashton, yelled repeatedly after jumping on your bed, then proceeding to poke your cheek.

You groaned while still half asleep, then sat up and looked at him. To your surprise (since you were usually the one that cooked), Ashton was holding a tray with an elaborate breakfast of pancakes and sausage, complete with whipped cream and fresh fruit. He had also prepared a cup of your favorite tea.

As he sat the tray on your lap, after you got situated, he said "Happy birthday babe!" with a cheesy grin.

"Thank you so much Ash! You're so sweet," you replied, returning his smile and kissing him on the cheek.

After you ate your breakfast, Ashton took you shopping and let you buy whatever you wanted, without complaining once even though he hated shopping. Around 5:00pm, he took you to the park and you had a nice, quiet picnic dinner. Once you ate, you layed on a blanket and watched the sunset together.

You looked up at him and said "Thank you so much for everything Ashton. This was the best birthday ever. I love you."

"I love you too Y/N," he returned your words with a grin.


When you woke up to an empty bed, you were shocked. Michael never woke up before you on his days off. Confused, you decided to get dressed and ready for the day. You decided to dress up, since your birthday was today, and you knew Michael was probably planning something. After skimming through your closet, you decided on a casual dress with tribal print. You curled your hair and put on your everyday makeup, then went downstairs.

When you didn't find Michael downstairs, you grew slightly concerned. You decided to call Michael.

"Hey Michael, where are you?"

"Good morning babe, I just went to get a few groceries, there's french toast in the microwave for you."

"Okay, I'll see you soon then. Bye," you said hanging up.

You had just started eating your french toast when you heard keys jingling. The door opened. Michael walked into the kitchen and greeted you.

"So, I have a birthday surprise for you, love," he said smirking.

You raised one eyebrow questioningly, "That's scary. And what might this surprise be?"

"Go look in the living room and see for yourself."

You set your fork down, took a drink of your coffee, then headed for the living room. When you saw your surprise, you stopped dead in your tracks, your jaw practically dropping to the floor. Tears of joy started to form in your eyes and your grin grew bigger by the minute. You walked over to where your parents were standing, smiling as well. Your parents lived about 8 hours away, and with your busy schedule, you rarely got to see them. You gave both of your parents a huge bear hug as they wished you happy birthday.

You went over and hugged Michael and kissed his cheek saying "Thank you so so much. You're the best boyfriend ever. I love you."

"You're welcome, princess. I love you too."

You spent the following week with your parents and Michael, after having the best birthday ever.


"Good morning Y/N. Happy birthday!" your boyfriend, Calum, said in a sing-song voice. You yawned, then rolled over and looked at the clock. 11:30. "What do you say we go out for lunch, and then to the zoo?"

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