Pref #12-He's Crying

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Pref #12-He's Crying


Lately, Ashton had been getting a lot of hate from "fans." He hadn't told you because he didn't want you to get upset or worried. The whole week had been bad, but today was particularly unbearable. The comments just kept pouring in. He knew he shouldn't pay attention to it, but he couldn't help but read all of the tweets:

"@Ashton5SOS you suck"

"@Ashton5SOS is probably the most f*cking annoying human being in existence"

"@Ashton5SOS please drop out of the band already"

Tears started to slowly run down his cheeks, and his shoulders quickly shook up and down. He ran upstairs to your shared bedroom, where you were sitting on the bed reading.

You looked up when you heard the door open, "Ashton, baby what's wrong?' you said in a gentle tone. He came over and crawled into your arms, burying his head in your shoulder as his body was racked with sobs. You put your book down then held him quietly, while playing with his messy curls, something that calmed him down.

After a while, you heard him speak, his voice barely a whisper "Why do they hate me so f*cking much?"

"Ash, youve been getting hate? You should've told me. Well listen, those people who tell you those things? They don't know you. If they did, they would know that you're the sweetest, cutest, smartest, kindest, most selfless, and talented person on this planet. They aren't real fans. Your real fans all love you. I love you Ashton. Please don't listen to them."

You felt his arms tighten around your waist. "I love you so much."


You walked in your bedroom to find your boyfriend on the floor in front of the mirror, his head in his hands, quietly crying.

"Mikey, what happened?" you inquired.

He looked up at you, "Am I ugly Y/N?"

"What? No! Why would you think that?"

"That's what everyone else seems to think. Everyone always comments on my hair and everything about me. And I never look good. I never feel like I do."

You sat down on the floor and wrapped your arms around him as he cried. "Michael, you are not ugly. You are the most adorable boy I've ever seen. And you have a heart and a personality to match. I don't care what color your hair is, or whether or not you have a six-pack, you're the most handsome boy I know. I love you for you Michael and if they don't too, they don't know you very well."

"Thank you Y/N, I love you too."


This morning, the boys had to go to the studio to record vocals for their upcoming album. You had decided to go with since you had woken up early. Calum was recovering from a cold, so during his parts, his voice cracked a few times and he couldn't hit the right notes. He kept singing the same parts over and over, growing more and more frustrated with himself.

"God damn it. F*ck this," he said as he walked out into the hallway, slamming the door. Luke came out of the recording booth and started for the door, but you stopped him.

"I got it Luke," you said, placing your hand on his wrist.

He nodded then said "Thanks Y/N."

You gave him a small smile then opened the door. You walked down the hallway to where your boyfriend sat, his knees bent up in front of him, his arms wrapped tightly around them. You could hear his sniffles and you knew his face would be red and streaked with tears.

You went and sat next to him and wrapped your arms around his body. He layed his head on your chest and soaked your shirt with tears.

"Cal, please stop crying. I hate seeing you upset."

"I'm holding them back Y/N. I should just drop out of the band. I'm not as good a singer of the other boys.."

"Calum Thomas Hood, you have the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. I love your voice. Don't be so hard on yourself, baby, you were sick. Why don't you take the rest of the day off and we can go get some ice cream, yeah?"

"I love you Y/N," he said as he leaned in and hugged you.

"I love you too," you answered, kissing him on the forehead.


You were sitting on the couch, watching Frozen for the millionth time, when your boyfriend, who had been scrolling through his twitter feed, suddenly stood up and quickly left the room. You quickly paused it to chase after him. You called his name about three times with no reply, before you finally found him in your shared bedroom, laying on your bed with his face buried in pillows.

You were unsure of how to respond as you had never seen him cry before and it killed you to see him hurt. "Lukey? What happened?"

You got another sob in return. You realized he was facing away from you, so you moved to the far side of the bed. He didn't move at all, so you lifted up his strong arm and crawled underneath it, then cuddled up to him and wrapped your arm around his waist, and began rubbing his back comfortingly. You let him cry until he could cry no more, and the only sound he made was an occasional sniffle.

"What happened, Luke?" you questioned again.

"I got a lot of hate today. I didn't want you to see me cry," he responded quietly.

"Luke, promise me from now on you'll let me help you? It's okay to cry every once in a while. And please, don't listen to them. You're the sweetest, cutest, smartest, and most selfless boy I know. You're perfect to me and I wouldn't change a thing about you. I love you baby, okay?"

"I love you too," he said while hugging you tightly.

A/N: sorry guys, Michael's is really short. I wasn't sure what to add. Also, I'd like to point out that I love these boys with all my heart and I don't actually think any of that. In my eyes, they are all perfection. Hope you liked this pref, more to come! Also, I'd love if you guys would comment or give me some feedback! Thanks guys.


Emmy xx

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