Pref #27-Disconnected by 5SOS (songfic)

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Pref #27-Disconnected by 5SOS (songfic)


"But I've found my sweet escape when I'm alone with you."

You looked away from the tv and you were surprised to see your boyfriend, Ashton, walk in. "Hey Ash. I thought you were working?" you asked him as you walked over to give him a hug and a kiss as a greeting. "I needed a break," he mumbled into your hair. "And what would you like to do?" you questioned. "Hmm. Have lunch and cuddle?" he asked hopefully. "Sure."

After ordering in Panda Express, you ate and then proceeded to cuddle on the couch. You lay on his chest, his arms wrapped protectively around you. "So, why did you need a break?" you asked him suddenly. "It's just been a long day. I kept messing up my solos. I just needed to see you. You're kinda like my escape I guess. You make everything better," he answered. "Ashton that's really sweet," you said grinning. You leaned up and kissed his cheek.


"Turn off the radio, those late night TV shows. Hang up the telephone and just be here with me."

"Can we just stay in the whole day and be lazy?" your boyfriend asked you. You had just woken up and were laying in bed chatting. "What do you want to do? Video games and TV? We could order in pizza?" you questioned. That was how yours and Michael's lazy days typically went. "No I mean like no TV, no phones, just you and me. And the pizza. I'm all for the pizza," he said, earning a laugh, "But I dunno. I just want to put everything aside for the day and just be here with you."

So that was what you did. You spent the entire day running around like children and playing board games. At the end of the day, you were laying in bed with Michael, wrapped tightly in his arms. "This has possibly been the best lazy day ever in the history of lazy days," Michael commented. You smiled and responded "It definitely has. This was a really good idea." You yawned. "Michael will you sing to me?" you asked. You closed your eyes as he began singing Wherever You Are, your favorite song by them. You quickly fell asleep to your boyfriend's sweet voice. "Goodnight princess. I love you," he whispered, kissing the top of your head, then falling asleep himself.


 "You are my getaway, you are my favorite place. We put the world away. We get so disconnected."

 "Where are we going Cal?" you asked for the millionth time. "You'll see. Just wait. It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now would it?" he explained. He grabbed your hand with his free one, keeping his eyes on the road. He had come home that day after recordiing, telling you he was taking you out for lunch. He wouldn't tell you where you were going, so you eventually gave up asking.

After about an hour, your arrived in a parking lot. He parked the car, then rushed to open your door. He helped you out before grabbing a picnic basket and a blanket out of the trunk. He grabbed your hand and led you to a clearing in the middle of a field full of beautiful flowers. He laid down the blanket and sat down. He took out the food and began eating.

Once you were done, you just sat on the blanket, enjoying each other's company and chatting about random things. "This may be my new favorite place," you commented. "It's beautiful." Calum grinned and said "You're my favorite place." "You're so cheesy," you said. "Really though, it's so nice to get away from everything," he said seriously. "Yeah it is. Thank you for taking me here. I love you Calum," you said, kissing his cheek. "I love you too."


"I like the summer rain, I like the sounds you make. We put the world away, we get so disconnected."

You and Luke were walking hand in hand on the sidewalk on a cool summer day in Australia. It was a rare thing for the temperature to be anything less than furnace-like, so you had decided to take advantage of it.

All of a sudden, you felt raindrops hit your head. You and Luke looked at each other, before he began a slow jog, pulling you behind him. The rain began falling more heavily, leaving you and Luke drenched by the time you reached his flat. Walking inside, you both began laughing until your sides hurt. "I love the sound of your laugh," Luke says with a smile. "I love you," you say, returning his grin. "I love you too. I'm gonna go change and grab you some clothes so we don''t get sick. Be right back," he said, placing a kiss on your forehead before running up to his room.

You peeled off your jacket and slipped off your Vans. Luke came back in a few minutes, wearing sweats, a tank top and a beanie. He handed you a pile of clothes and you went into the bathroom and changed. You changed into another pair of Luke's sweats and your favorite tee shirt of his before walking downstairs. You spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch, watching movies and enjoying the summer rain.

A/N: HEY GUYS IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED. i've been suffering from lack of inspiration and i've been working on this one for like five years so ya. I promise i'll update at least two more times tonight to make it up to you. Thank you guys so much for all the votes and follows and reads as well. They mean the world. Please feel free to comment requests and feedback. I love you! Emmy xx

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