A/N: Thank you so much. Please read.

7.5K 61 0

Hey guys! Omigosh I can't believe this. So I got on Wattpad on my phone to see that I have 1k reads on my preferences. That's fricking amazing! Before I started this book I kinda sucked at writing and honestly hated it. It's helped me realize that I really love writing and it's helped me improve as a writer. Anyways thank you so much for all your support. Your votes, reads and nonexistent comments really mean the world to me. It's encouraged me to keep writing, and helped me find something that makes me happy. This discovery came at a really perfect time in my life. I've been going through some obstacles this year that I would rather not talk about and writing has helped me so much, and made me remember what it's like to be carefree. It's amazing how far this book has gotten and it's all because of you guys. Thank you so much for everything especially if you've read this whole thing. Also, huge announcement: I'm going to write a book. Don't have many details yet but I'll let you guys know when I figure it out. Thank you again.

I love you so much, Emmy xoxo

PS. I'm doing a preference spam to celebrate :)

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