Pref #8-What He Does When You're on Your Period

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Pref #8-What He Does When You're on Your Period


"Sorry Ash, I just don't feel like going out today. My... uh... stomach's been bothering me today," you spoke into the phone, hinting to your boyfriend that mother nature had made an unwanted visit today, with unbearable cramps.

"Ohhh. That time of the month babe?" he questioned casually, to which you replied yes. "I'll be over in a few."

About a half hour later, Ashton showed up at your doorstep, holding your favorite flowers and a bag from the grocery store.

"You're the best, you know that?" you asked rhetorically, making him grin as he handed you the flowers. You put the flowers in a vase and asked, "What's in the bag?"

"I rented a few movies, got you some medicine, and grabbed lots of candy," he said, his grin still showing, dimples and all. You hugged him and kissed his lips as a thank you.

"I love you," you said while looking at him. He returned your words and you spent the rest of the day eating candy on the couch and watching movies, cuddled up to Ashton as he rubbed small circles on your belly.


"GO AWAY," you groaned at your boyfriend, while you were lying on the couch, face down. You weren't mad at him, he was only trying to help after all. Mother nature had paid you a visit that morning, so you were extremely moody, and Michael had no idea what to do.

He walked into the kitchen and you could hear him talking to his mom.

"Mom, I'm scared. She's really moody, what do I do?" he asked, making you laugh. You don't know what she said, but he told you he was going out for a bit.

Fifteen minutes later, he walked through the front door, finding you in the exact same spot.

"Are you just gonna lay there all day?" he asked, and you could tell he had a smirk on his face.

"Yes," you answered, your voice muffled by the couch cushion, earning a laugh from Michael.

"I guess you don't want chocolate then?" he asked.

This caught your interest, and you lifted your head up to see him standing with a bag full of candy.

"Chocolate?" you asked with desire clear in your voice. "Your mother is one smart woman."

Michael grinned and you spent the rest of the day cuddling and eating chocolate on the couch.


That morning, you had been having terrible cramps, brought on by mother nature. They were so bad that you called in sick for work and just layed in bed all day waiting for Calum to get home.

In the early afternoon, he arrived home with medicine and a bouquet of your favorite flowers. He put them in a vase, then made you lunch.

"I love you," you said with a grin on your face. He returned your words, and changed into sweats, an old tee, and put a beanie on over his messy hair. He then joined you in your bed as you ate your lunch. Being the teddy bear he was, you two cuddled and watched movies for the rest of the day, until you fell asleep in his arms.


All day you had been crying for absolutely no reason. Ah the joys of being female. You were lucky and never really got cramps on your period, but you always got extremely moody.

When Luke came home and found you sobbing, he was worried that you had been getting hate. When he asked what was wrong, you told him you had no idea, leading him to the conclusion that it was that time of the month. Being Luke, he did everything to cheer you up. He loved seeing you happy and wouldn't leave you alone until you smiled. What finally made you happy once more was when he blasted some of your favorite upbeat songs, and sang and danced along, until you grinned and joined him. Your jam session lasted for about one hour; dancing around the entire house and jumping on couches was actually quite a workout. Not to mention a few neighbors had complained.

Afterwards, you two cuddled on the couch and had a movie marathon, before you both crashed, exhausted from your jam session.

Hey guys! Hope all the prefs I've posted make up for my lack of updates during school. I think I'm done posting for the day unless you guys request more. If you would like me to post more, please comment (ideas would also be nice) and let me know, as I'm working on a few more currently. Votes, comments, and feedback are really appreciated. Love you guys!

Emmy xx

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