Pref #19-Truly, Madly, Deeply by One Direction (songfic)

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Pref #19-Truly, Madly, Deeply by One Direction (songfic)


"I hope I'm not a casualty. I hope you won't get up and leave. Might not mean that much to you, but to me it's everything, everything."

"Ashton?" you questioned as you looked up at him from your place in his arms.


"Why haven't you told me you loved me yet? I've said it before but you've never said it back. I mean, do you even want this?"

He sighed before answering "Yes, of course I want this Y/N."

"Then what are you afraid of?"

After being quiet for a moment, he answered "I'm afraid you'll just up and leave one day and I'll just be another casualty to you. I don't know if our relationship means much to you, but to me it means everything. I'm just scared it won't last," he finished as he looked away.

You sat up and hugged him. "You mean everything to me Ashton. I'm not gonna leave you. In fact, you probably couldn't get rid of me if you tried. I love you."

He hugged back before finally saying "I love you too."


"Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss. And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this. I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl. And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world."

Michael had always been a sort of outsider. He always felt like he was the underdog in his band, and when he fell in love with you, it took him forever to make a move. He spent entire nights awake thinking about you. He tried for months to try and build up the confidence to kiss you, but he always backed out. You were his best friend, after all.

Unknown to him, you had fallen in love too. Your patience grew thin over the months, daydreaming and waiting for him to make a move. It was skinny love, each waiting on the other, both afraid to admit it.

But that night, on your weekly movie night, you changed that. You were sick of waiting, so in the middle of the movie, you grabbed him by his shirt collar and kissed him, praying it wouldn't ruin your friendship. He kissed back and when you pulled away he was grinning like a fool.

"I've been waiting for that for so long-er I mean-ah whatever. I love you Y/N and I've been trying to do that for months, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course Michael. And... I love you too," you answered with a smile.

A week later, you were watching the boys' interview on TV. The interviewer asked if any of the boys had girlfriends, and Michael proudly raised his hand.

"Oh, Michael? This is news. Who is the lucky girl?" she asked him.

"Her name's Y/N. We just started dating last week but we've been best friends forever. I'm just really happy that I can call her mine," he said with a smile.


"Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this. I'll put this day back on replay and keep reliving it."

Your P.O.V.
"Do I look okay?" I asked my friend for the millionth time that night as I stood in front of her in my casual summer dress and matching converse, a jean jacket over my dress and my hair falling in loose curls down my back. Tonight was my first date with Calum-and I were more nervous than I'd ever been in my life.

"Yes Y/N, for the last time, you look amazing. Don't be so nervous, he'll love you."

His P.O.V.
"Are you sure my hair's okay guys?" I questioned nervously, pacing back and forth in front of my bandmates.

"Yes Calum now leave. You don't wanna be late," Luke answered.

"Right, okay. I'll see you guys later," I said as I walked out the door.

Your P.O.V.
I smiled nervously as I opened up the door.

"Hey Y/N. You look...beautiful," Calum said, scratching the back of his neck anxiously.

I blushed and quietly mumbled "Thanks you look really good too Cal."

"Uh, shall we get going then? The carnival ends at ten, so that gives us three hours," he asked as he held open the door for me.

"Sure," I said, walking through the door to Calum's car.

When we got to the carnival, Calum rushed to open my door for me, then held out a hand. I took it and he helped me up before lacing his fingers with mine. We got to the entrance and he paid for my pass.

Calum and I had a blast at the carnival, running around, eating cotton candy, and riding the rides. When it neared closing time, we left and headed back to my flat.

Calum walked me to the door. "Thanks for coming with me tonight. I had a lot of fun," he said smiling.

I laughed and replied "Well thank you for inviting me. I had a lot of fun too. And thanks for winning me this guy, I love him," I added as I held up the stuffed dog he had won me.

"Yeah no problem. Would you like to maybe see a movie next week?"

"I'd love to."

"Great, I'll call you. Goodnight Y/N," he said. "Er... Can I kiss you?"

Not bothering to answer, I leaned in and kissed him. As he smiled into the kiss, I mumbled "Goodnight Calum."

He then gave me a hug and left and I went inside. I sank down with my back to the door as I grinned like an idiot, ecstatic for our next date, but wishing I could replay today, reliving it over and over.


"Truly, madly, deeply, I am foolishly, completely fallen. And somehow you caved all my walls in."

"Y/N? Can I tell you something?" Luke randomly asked one night. You were sitting on the couch and he was laying with his head in your lap, while you played with his hair.

"Of course. What is it?" you replied curiously.

"I've fallen in love with you. I-I don't know how you did it, but you caved all my walls in. I've always had a hard time opening up to people but you changed that. I just wanted you to know that and that I am totally and completely in love with you," he rambled nervously.

You smiled, since this was the first time he'd said 'I love you.' You then leaned down and placed a loving kiss on his lips. You grinned into the kiss and said "I'm in love with you too, Luke."

A/N: Hey guysss. Sorry Luke's is short. I'm writing more right now and I'll probably post one or two more tonight. Love youuuu, Emmy xx

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