Pref #32-The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

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Pref #32-The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

A/N: Hey guys, so I'm gonna try something a bit different. I'm gonna write some preferences based on book quotes. Maybe it's been done, maybe it hasn't. But this was entirely my idea so don't use it without credit please. Hope you like this, I love you, Emmy xx

Ashton (His P.O.V.):

"Oh, I wouldn't mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you."

"Why do you stay?" I asked, looking down at my girlfriend of ten months. She was laying on the couch, with her head on my lap as I played with her hair. "What do you mean?" she asked, smiling up at me. "Why do you stay with me? I mean, I'm rarely home, there are girls around me all the time, there are so many stupid rumors, you get a lot of hate, even though it makes no sense, and you have to constantly say goodbye to me. I feel like I'm always hurting you. Why haven't you just left me?"

When I finished, she let out a giggle. "Ash, there are a million reasons I stay. You do leave a lot, but I know you'll always come back. I don't really care about the girls, you don't give me reason to believe you'd be anything but faithful. The rumors and hate bother me sometimes, but you always prove them wrong. You don't hurt me, Ash. You do have the potential to, but honestly, I wouldn't mind. Quite frankly, it'd be a privilege to have my heart broken by you, Irwin."

"Have I mentioned that I love you?" I asked, grinning. "Indeed, you have. And I love you too," she answered, leaning up to kiss me.

Michael (His P.O.V.):

"I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once."

I watched her as she ran around the park, racing to the swings. Her eyes bright, the sun making her skin appear to glow. Her hair was quickly becoming a mess; she hadn't bother to tie it up. In that moment, I realized I was in love with her. The realization came quickly, unexpectedly. I had known I was falling in love after our very first date-she was impossible not to love-but now, four months later, it was as if I had been hit by a train. I was in love with her. After all these months, she still gave me butterflies. When we kissed, I practically melted. She could leave me breathless with just one look. She made me fall in love with her; the way she had smiled at me from across the restaurant we met  at, the way she had laughed on our first date, the way she was currently running around like a child.

"Michael! Come swing with me!" she yelled across the park, shaking me out of my daze. I smiled before I got up and ran to the swingset, sitting on the swing next to hers. We swung for a while, talking about anything and everything. I told her I had fallen in love with her. I smiled more than I ever had when she said it back.


"You realize that trying to keep your distance from me will not lessen my affection for you."

You had to stay away. At least that's what you kept telling yourself. Yet here you were once more, cuddling on your couch with Calum, absentmindedly playing with his fingers as you chatted. You kept promising yourself that you would stop seeing him. You would only get your heart broken, as you had many times in the past. But there was something that drew you to Calum. He didn't seem like the other boys. He was sweet. He would buy you flowers, come over to your flat in the middle of the night, he would sing to you, he would hold your hand when you got scared. When you tried to shut him out, he would always come back.

"What are you thinking about?" his voice rang out, interrupting your thoughts. "You. I keep trying to shut you out, but you keep coming back. Why?" you answered his question bluntly. "You realize that trying to keep your distance from me will not lessen my affection for you, right? I like you Y/N, I like you a lot. I notice you try to distance yourself from me. I can't blame you, you've been hurt by a lot of idiots. I don't plan on being one of them. I come back because you shutting me out doesn't make me like you any less. I'm not gonna leave you. I've always been a fighter and that's not any different when it comes to relationships, or when it comes to you." "I like you too, Calum. I just don't want to get hurt." "Will you be mine? I swear to God, I won't hurt you Y/N," he asked confidently. You sighed. "I figure it's going to happen eventually, so yes. As long as you'll be mine." You bit your lip. "Of course I will."


"She is so beautiful. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her, Van Houten."

Today. Today was the day you would get married to the love of your life, Luke Hemmings. You would walk down the aisle, recite your vows, say 'I do', kiss, and you would officially be Mrs. Hemmings. You'd gone over it in your head and had had the rehearsal dinner yesterday, yet you were still nervous. Today would be one of the best days of your life. You had never loved anyone the way that you loved Luke. He was special, irreplaceable.

You repositioned your veil one more time before grabbing hold of your father's arm. You heard music, and you began the walk down the aisle. Heads turned as everyone stood. The smile on Luke's face could only be matched by yours. You hugged your father and kissed him on the cheek, before he handed you off to Luke. Luke grabbed your hands, the reception began, and you were soon reading your vows. You had each written your own vows, and what you had written would be a surprise to the other. Luke smiled while a blush rose to his cheeks as you finished.

The preacher spoke a few words, and Luke began his vows. "Your/Full/Name. The name of the girl I am in love with. The name I love to say. Normally I am good with words, but writing this is difficult. I can hardly put into words how much I love her, but I will try my best. She is my sunshine. She can brighten a room just by walking into it. She is independent. She is strong. She is selfless. She is so so beautiful. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her," he paused to take a breath. "Your/Full/Name, I promise to always love you. I promise to love you, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor. I promise to always take care of you. I promise to hold you when you're scared. I promise to make you smile when you have a bad day. I promise to protect you from getting hurt. I promise to not be the one who hurts you. I promise to remind you how much I love you everyday. I promise to not leave after our first fight. I promise to keep doing little things to make you smile, even when we're 80 years old. I promise, Y/N, to love you unconditionally, and I promise to love you forever." Once he finished, he grinned at you, and you could see in his eyes that he meant every word.

You said your 'I do's' and placed the rings on each others fingers. You kissed, and in that kiss, you knew, you would love him forever, too.

A/N: This is sO EFFING CHEESY BUT I LOVE IT. I'm really proud of this guys and reads, votes, and comments are all appreciated. Message me if you'd like a personal imagine. I love you guysss, Emmy xx

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