Pref #10-Cute Couple Moments

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Pref #10-Cute Couple Moments


"Oh Y/N, come here..." Ashton said loudly.

You giggled quietly in your hiding space behind the couch. You were hiding from your boyfriend after playing a small prank on him.

You heard him step out into the living room and prayed he wouldn't find you. Unfortunately, you breathe rather loudly when trying to be quiet so he easily spotted you in your crouched position.

"I will give you one chance to tell me where it is," he offered.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," you answered with a smirk on your face.

"You leave me with no other choice," he said with a serious look on his face. He suddenly dived at you, trying to tickle your sides. You got away quickly, only to be caught by the time you reached the kitchen. He pinned you down, tickling your sides until you were out of breath.

"Please....let me go..." you said emitting another loud giggle.

"Not until you tell me where it is and say 'Ashton is the best boyfriend ever and I love him so much.'"

"NEVER," you shouted, only to be tickled even more rapidly. "FINE, it's in the top drawer of your dresser," you said and repeated what he wanted you to. He stopped tickling you, then helped you up. Before letting you go, he placed a soft kiss on your lips.

"That's what happens when you hide my vegemite," he said with a grin.


"I'm so bored," Michael whined. You two were having a lazy day and you were forcing him to watch one of your favorite chick flicks, The Notebook.

"Oh you'll live," you replied. Soon after, a devilish grin spread across your face. "I have an idea."

"Oh no."

"Oh yes. Sit up on the bed and close your eyes," you directed. He reluctantly obeyed. Once you confirmed that his eyes were closed, you grabbed the nearest pillow and whacked the back of his head.

His eyes shot open, only to narrow into slits as he said, "Oh, it's on."

He grabbed the other pillow and hit you back. Your pillow fight ended when he fell back on to the bed, you falling right on top of him, giggling.

"I love you," you said as you both moved over on the bed, you in his arms.

"I love you too Y/N, so so much," he answered, placing a kiss on the top of your forehead.


"Okay guys," you whispered, "here's your proof that Calum sings in the shower...oh God he's gonna kill me later."

You stood in front of the bathroom door so you could clearly hear him singing along to Single Ladies by Beyonce.

"All the single ladies, all the single ladies, all the single ladies, now put your hands up!" he belted out.

"Alright there you go guys. Bye!" you whispered again while waving, ending the Keek. You posted it then ran back to the couch and acted nonchalant when Calum joined you later.

The next morning, you found that an embarrassing video of you dancing around in shorts and a t-shirt was the subject of nearly all the tweets on your timeline.

You tweeted: @Calum5SOS I hate you so much right now. Some people can't control how good of a dancer they are :( #revengewillcome

You quickly received a reply: @Y/T/N that's what happens when you video people singing in the shower. But for the record, Beyonce's a queen #shameless

That day, you both received thousands of tweets about how cute of a couple you two were and that you should "just get married already."


You two had just finished a picnic in the park, when Luke suggested he give you a piggyback ride.

"Luke, you do realize that'll make us look like five year olds right?" you questioned.

"Yes, I do but I really don't care what people think of us Y/N. I love you and you make me happy so they can think whatever they want. Now hop on," he answered, bending down a lot. Being so tall, it wasn't easy to climb on his back.

Smiling, you got on his back and put your arms around his neck. He wrapped his strong arms around your legs then lifted you up effortlessly. As soon as he did so, he began running around the park energetically, both of you laughing loudly. You received many stares but didn't have a care in the world at that moment.

After a while, Luke got tired and set you back down on the picnic blanket before joining you.

"I love you," you said with a wide grin. "And by the way, you make me really happy too."

"Good because you deserve it. I love you too baby," he replied before placing a quick kiss on your cheek.

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