[ t w e n t y - t w o ]

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[ THIRD PERSON ]three months later

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three months later...

"You look stunning, Sori!" 

Sori glances at Minjee through the mirror, and Sori could only feel her mouth drop in awe. Minjee was getting married after a good four years of horrible break-ups and make-ups, but after meeting the supposed one, she finally settled down on a marriage.. and it was mutual.

"I can only say the same for you, Minjee," she giggles. "Are you ready to walk down the aisle?" 

"I'm more than ready, I just want to get wived up." She teases jokingly and Sori smiles. "Have you met your partner yet?"

"Oh, uh―I'm not in a relationship, I have no partner―" She begins before Minjee bursts out into fits of giggles.

"No, Sori, I meant if you've met your partner for the wedding? I set up the partners who will be walking down the aisle before I come in." Minjee explains and Sori shakes her head. "Well then, I guess he's arriving a tad bit late than usual. But it's okay, I'm sure you both will get along."

"Who'd you pair me up with?" Sori questions her and Minjee shrugs her shoulders.

"A longtime friend of mine that I lost contact with until he ringed me up, and I decided to invite him to my wedding. And since, you know, you're single, I decided to pair him up with you." She explains, before frowning. "How are you and Taehyung? I invited him as well and he's coming."

"I'm okay with Taehyung now, actually I recently attended Yoojung's birthday party and it seems as if he's found someone new. He's happy, and I'm happy about that." She explains.

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"Whether you still love him or not, whether you love me or not, I'm letting you go." He says softly, letting out his breath that he had been holding in for God knows how long. "And even though it'll take some time for me to heal, and even though it'll hurt so bad, I'm letting you go."

"Taehyung.. I'm sorry." She whispers, holding his hands and Taehyung could only flash her a smile. "I only wish for your happiness, but I can't give you it. It has to be someone else."

"I know," he nods his head, "and that's why it hurts. But only time will tell, and only time will heal. I've learned that if you love someone so much, you have to learn how to let them go no matter how hard it will be, and no matter how hurt you'll feel."

"You have the heart of an angel, Taehyung, I truly don't deserve you." She smiles, wiping away a tear. He flashes her a smile. 

"And I don't deserve you either." He shrugs his shoulders. "But it's okay, we all deserve someone, don't we? We just have to find out who that person is, and I hope she comes along soon. But for now, it was nice to think that you were her, I guess not.. not anymore."

with love, jeon jungkook.Where stories live. Discover now